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Old 04-10-04, 11:42 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2003
Location: western ohio
Posts: 28
TN and KY herping

Well the weather was in the 60s and 70s and we found lots of things. The toads and the spring peepers were calling. When we went down to the pond we saw alot of leopard frogs but didnt hear any. Up in the Mountains we went four whelling and stoped at lots of deep puddels and found lots ofeastern newts in the puddles. There were also scores of little blk tadpoles.......toads maby. I only found 2 red efts though. In the puddels we also found a immauter green frog and a wood frog. In a swampy wetland area that use to be a pond but the state of kentucky filled it in since they say they have to much standing water we found a gray tree frog in a red bud tree. We stoped at rocky area on the way down and we found a large norhtern red salamander.a dekays snake, and a eastern fence lizard (the locals call them rusti joes) Then the next day we was a small pond that was full of eastern newts,bull frog tadpoles,other tadpoles. we also spoted painted turtles nad saw bull frogs and green frogs. Then up in the pine/hardwood hillsides around the pond we found southern five lined skinks,a box turtle, 3 slimy salamanders, 2 coal skinks. One the last day down there we went to cumber land falls and along the river we found 2 fence lizards,a five lined skink,and another dekays snake. Also there was s pring peeper under a rock. We was only there for four days but i thank we had good luck. I wanted to find more and larger snakes but a snakes a snake but the other things found make it better. Oh and there was a dead on the road eastern garter snake and dor blk rat or racer. It was badly squashed. I thank the person that hit it backed up over it a few times since it was on a gravel road thats hardly ever used. I hope to make another trip soon since all i can find in ohio is some bull and green frogs and some toads water snakes and everyonce in awhile a farter snakes. theres lots of turtles.

ohio herper
p.s. any one have any idea what i found? it was a salamander larva(?) about a inch long,white,four toads with gills. They were in a creek that runs out of a mine and emptys into a river. I dont even know if you would call it a creek......its a trickle of water that forms small pools everyone in awhile. It kinda of remind me of a mini mud puppy. i just dont see where it came from if thats what it was. Any help would be great. Ill try to post a pic. thanks
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