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Old 04-06-04, 08:13 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2004
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Meal too big?

Is it possible to feed a boa a meal that is too big for them or will they simply not eat it if it's too large? What can happen if you do feed (and they do eat) something too large for them?

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Old 04-06-04, 08:46 AM   #2
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I think the snake will know if the meal is too big. I think the worst that could happen if a meal is larger than normal, it will just take longer to digest IMO. Alot of people on this site say to use the girthe system, meal should be 1.5 times largets girth, but i think its hoo hoo. I go by weight, feeding 1/5-1/3 of their weight.
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Old 04-06-04, 01:09 PM   #3
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Hey there,

If your snake eats something that is too large for them, they will either regurge it, or keep it in. Either which, boost the temperatures a few degrees and stress the snake as little as possible.

Snake Hunter, it would be a great idea to do some research before making outlandish statements as such. Eating too large a prey item can kill a snake. Boids are not as prone to this, but it still happens.

As for your question, it really depends on the snake. Some will eat prey too large for them, while some wont, while some will only take prey way too small for them! Its all up to the snake.
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Old 04-06-04, 09:02 PM   #4
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Originally posted by I_LOVE_HERPS

Snake Hunter, it would be a great idea to do some research before making outlandish statements as such. Eating too large a prey item can kill a snake. Boids are not as prone to this, but it still happens.
Where's your research that a large meal will kill a snake?

Originally posted by I_LOVE_HERPS

As for your question, it really depends on the snake. Some will eat prey too large for them, while some wont, while some will only take prey way too small for them! Its all up to the snake.
Originally posted by Snakehunter
I think the snake will know if the meal is too big.
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Old 04-06-04, 10:04 PM   #5
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Eating too large a prey item will only kill a snake if the temps are not high enough to digest the meal fast enough, otherwise it ends up rotting in the snakes system.

The most common thing that happens is the snake pukes it back up. Regurgitations are quite hard on the system, so you want to do your best to avoid this.

In response to one of the above statement, no, snakes do not necessarily know if a meal is too big. I have seen a neonate rosy boa try to take down a jumbo mouse. I have also seen some snakes get part of it down then spit it back out again.
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Old 04-06-04, 10:17 PM   #6
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I stand corrected, and appologize for any mis understandings.
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Old 04-07-04, 06:16 PM   #7
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Its OK these forums are for asking and learning.


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