As in the previous post we have updated the lizards page of our site. I wish we could find the time to get to it daily or even weekly. So we will be offering updates as often as possible here and on the site. If you have any requests or suprlus for sale please feel free to email us or phone us at anytime.
Grant Crossman
905 274 8018
List Last Updated as of January 17th, 2004
CB Ridgetail Monitors 2003 $325.00
CB Ridgetail Monitors adults $395.00
Blackthroat Monitors $250.00
Mangrove Monitors $295.00
Timor Monitors $495.00
Nile Monitor 5ft $395.00
Available Geckos as of January 17th, 2004
CB Leopard Geckos 2003 $45.95
CB Leopard Geckos adults $59.99 to $89.00
CB Albino Leopard Geckos 2003 $75.00
CB Leopard Geckos hi yellow $55 to $195.00
CB African Fattail Geckos 2003 $55.00
AFrican Fattail Geckos $45.00
CB Grandis Day Geckos $95.00
Giant Ring Tail Geckos $125.00
CB Giant Ring Tail Geckos babies $150.00
CB Pictus Geckos (Baby) Market Value
Four Spot Geckos $35.00
Marble Geckos $18.95
Whalberg Geckos $75.00
Tokay Geckos $29.99
House Geckos $5.99
Jewelled Bent Toe Geckos $175.00
Spiny Tailed Ground Geckos $189.00
CB Chinese Cave Geckos babies $179.00
CB adult Chinese Cave Geckos $199.00
LTC Vietnamese Cave Geckos $199.99
Central American Banded Geckos $35.00
CB 2002 Crested Geckos coloured morphs $150.00
CB CrestedGeckos (Adult Males) $155.00
CB Crested Geckos 2003 regular colour $95 to $120
CB baby Uroplatus Henkeli $175.00
CB Uroplatus Lineatus $175.00
CB Helmeted Geckos $125.00
Fanfooted Geckos $29.00
Velvet Geckos Australian $150.00
CB Red Stripe Gargoyle Gecko $225.00
CB Barking Gecko $225.00
Crocodile Geckos 2003 $25.00
CB Bibrons Geckos $39.95
Tokay Geckos $29.00
CB Tokay Geckos $39.99
CB Standings Day Geckos $159.00
Available Chameleons updated January 17th, 2004
CB 2003 and 2004 Veiled Chameleons Inquire
CB Ambanja Panther Chameleon female $175.00
CB Veiled Chameelons adult males $125.00 to $189.00
CB Veiled Chamleons adult females $125.00 to $189.00
Quadricornis Chameleon imported male $155.00
Available Other as of January 17th 2004
CB Irian Jaya Blue Tongue Skinks $199.00
CB New Guinea Blue Tongues babies $199.00
Gold Major Skinks $55.00
CB Australian Water Dragons adults $250.00
CB Australian Water Dragons babies $125.00
Water Dragons $35.00
Water Dragons adults $75.00
CB Bearded Dragons Market Value
CB Bearded Dragons 8" Inquire
CB Bearded Dragons Reds $150.00
CB Bearded Dragons adult females $249.00
Red Belly Armadillo Lizards "Cordyllus" $159.00
CB Frilled Dragons 2003 $385.00
CB Frilled Dragons sub adults $395.00
Frilled Dragons LTI adults $550.00
Club Tailed Iguanas $39.95
Mountain Horn Lizards $29.95
Brown Anoles $7.99
CB Cuban Anoles babies $39.95
Longtail Grass Lizards $8.99
Green Anoles $6.99
Mali Uromastyx $125.00