HI Shawn,
Have on V. albigularis?? Hahaha - where do I begin?? I have ~500 author cards on V. albigularis alone - look through the locality paper under Albigularis, and the authors listed there just touch the tip of the iceberg...do you have a particular subject of main interest on albigularis?? That would narrow it down abit. I have written a very in-depth paper on "savanna monitor" taxonomy - so confusing it was rejected as the reader had to be very familiar with the taxon to understand the paper = too much meat and no potatoes in that paper, so I am rewriting it I think?
What interests me now about albigularis is their diversity hub = N. Kenya at Nile River tributary/origins where 'coincidentally' V. exanthematicus, V. niloticus also seem to split up - why there? When? Alot I do not understand yet...and the fun of figuring out the little things like that helps me understand their evolution across Africa....a 1919 paper on malaria says mosquitoes stopped progression of alot of animals in Africa from complete dispersion via malaria and death...interesting thought...and a few diseases blamed in albigularis that killed thousands of people blamed on alvigularis in 1913 - something else I want to track down to its validity - so much things, so little time, and not enough $$ to get this all done....