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Old 12-19-03, 03:31 AM   #1
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pinkie death

what is the best way to kill piinkies. their skin tears so easily so smashing is out of the question and co2 they just don't die!! i had some that lasted 3 HOURS before i killed them myself. i just want a fast way to kill them that is extreme minimal bleeding and pain.
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Old 12-19-03, 04:30 AM   #2
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Freeze them!
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Old 12-19-03, 05:25 AM   #3
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why bother killing them first? I don't see how they pose a threat if you just feed them live to your animals. I'm not sure what animal your feeding them to, but most likely they will die pretty quickly.
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Old 12-19-03, 08:03 AM   #4
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Freeze them!
Obviously, you've never tried freezing a pink mouse. When I first started breeding I froze one, assuming it would die within a minute. Twenty minutes later, it was still moving! I ended up killing it myself. Oh, and freezing is EXTREMELY painful. Have you ever had your blood crystalize in your veins?

why bother killing them first?
It isn't always a question of being humane. If you don't have mouse pinks all the time, yet need a several every week, you'd need to kill and freeze them so you have them when you need them. Also, some people like to start their babies off on f/t pinks... that way there is no problem switching them later on. Why go through the trouble if you can avoid it from the start?

Anyway marylyn, I've always killed them by hitting on the ground and they almost never break. You don't need to hit them that hard to kill them. Every now and then I break one when I forget how small they are and throw him as hard as I can, but other than that it's pretty easy to get the hang of throwing them with the right force without breaking them. There is no other way that I can think of, except maybe drowning them.

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Old 12-19-03, 08:39 AM   #5
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I must be a cruel person, I don't give much thought to humane treatment when 'killing' animals, freeze them, drown them, co2, or feed them live, dead is dead an I'm not going to get my panties in a wad over a mouse.
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Old 12-19-03, 08:44 AM   #6
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Originally posted by Zoe
Have you ever had your blood crystalize in your veins?
I would love to see some proof that this actually happens while the pink is still alive. Sounds like BS to me.
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Old 12-19-03, 09:12 AM   #7
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crush the spinal chord at the base of the skull with pliers
I got a bunch of snakes and a bunch of guns
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Old 12-19-03, 09:26 AM   #8
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If you did not want to feed live Pinkies (I do) then you can place them in a bag (I use the ones newspapers come in) and swing in against the floor hard.

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Old 12-19-03, 10:25 AM   #9
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Originally posted by asphyxia
If you did not want to feed live Pinkies (I do) Brian
I think what Marilyn was saying was that if she doesn't have an immediate need for pinks, she wants a way to freeze them for future use.
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Old 12-19-03, 12:55 PM   #10
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put a few in a ziploc bag and whack 'em. They don't explode when done right, and they die damn near immediately.
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Old 12-19-03, 01:10 PM   #11
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This is a funny debate! anyways you blood doesn't crystalize before you die! so bite me! and if you have alot you are going to end up freezing them anyways no matter what you are killing them they dies there life is over !! and if you freeze them you dont half to deal with wacking the animal till it dies doesn't semm so awful in comparrison
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Old 12-19-03, 02:17 PM   #12
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Originally posted by seann
This is a funny debate! anyways you blood doesn't crystalize before you die! so bite me! and if you have alot you are going to end up freezing them anyways no matter what you are killing them they dies there life is over !! and if you freeze them you dont half to deal with wacking the animal till it dies doesn't semm so awful in comparrison
What the hell man, take a pill. Sure they're going to die, but I would try to make their passing as easy and pain free as possible. Sheesh.
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Old 12-19-03, 02:22 PM   #13
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Originally posted by djc3674
why bother killing them first? I don't see how they pose a threat if you just feed them live to your animals. I'm not sure what animal your feeding them to, but most likely they will die pretty quickly.
One word comes to mind when feeding live "parasites".

Less chance of parasites living in the mouse when you freezed them. It's not 100% guarintee when freezing, but it's better than not freezing them first.

Sorry don't have any extra advice from what has already been given. I used to flick them in the back of the head (the dislocation thing) and they would be out right when i flipped them. I buy frozen now so i don't have to worry about that anymore.
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Old 12-19-03, 02:36 PM   #14
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seann, your another one that makes the iggy list lol
Old 12-19-03, 02:37 PM   #15
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Pinkies and small fuzzies can be killed humanely without breaking the skin by snapping them on the top of the skull with your finger or tapping them with a blunt object. It is fast, effective and easy to do and you can be sure each one is dead before freezing them. Freezing live mammals is not humane.

You want to use enough force to produce immediate unconsciousness and this will result in a dark spot forming on the skull when done correctly. The skin does not break and there is no external bleeding, but the dark spot is from brain hemorrhage that indicates they are unconscious immediately. They may continue to kick due to reflex action from massive nerve stimulation.

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