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Old 12-17-03, 08:19 PM   #16
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Jayson, what you consider a large rat, the world does not necessarily agree with. I've seen "large" rats range anywhere from 150g at a pet store, up to 350g on an online feeder site. That's a BIG difference. When I say my snake ate a 231g rat, it ate a 231g rat. Size means nothing to me, weight does because I keep painfully accurate records of all weights regarding all of my balls. Example: Pre-eating weight of snake, weight of food item, weight of snake after poop, weight after shed, date of all meals, date of all sheds.... It allows me to know my snakes, and be more aware if a problem arises.

Last edited by mykee; 12-17-03 at 08:23 PM..
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Old 12-17-03, 08:25 PM   #17
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Well after thawing the 2 rats, they were exactly the same weight. My scale only measures in 1 gram increments so they could have changed in 10th's of a gram but who cares. So to avoid a mess I can safely say you can weigh your rats before thawing.
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Old 12-17-03, 08:34 PM   #18
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Try this, wack a rat. Weigh it, freez it. Weigh it again. Thaw it and then weigh it again.
Oh and by the way I don't "blow" dry the rats. I heat them with a heat gun and they dry off as a result. It's not like they get a style and a set or anything. Besides using a heat gun and a reytek is a great way to get balls switched over to frozen thawed. You take a live rat and measure it's surface temp with the reytek. Then you thaw out a rat and heat it up to that temp with the heat gun. Dangle, dangle and bang! Ball takes first frozen thawed.
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Old 12-17-03, 08:36 PM   #19
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mykee I didnt mean to offend you if i did. Its just that when i bought my feeders i would hand pick them by looking at them not by the weight, And once i had them i didnt care what the weight was.

I do keep track of the snakes weight, feeding records, sheds and poops and i also give regular visual check ups which are recorded. however I dont care if the feed item is 150 grams or 200 grams.

If i tried to keep your records I would have to live in my snake room.

Again If i offended you I am sorry Jason
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Old 12-17-03, 08:50 PM   #20
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Jayson, pshaw! You didn't offend me. Admittedly, not too many people keep the records I do. I'm terribly anal-retentive so keeping these records satisfies my illness...
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Old 12-17-03, 08:52 PM   #21
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I buy my feeders from a place that gives actual gram weights, I know what the animals ~weight is. Other places sell by small med lg pink fuzzy ect, well my size estimation and the size estimation of non-weighed animals bought would short me by many grams if not kilos. I estimated the size vs weight of 2 different companies and the same 600 count order had a 13.5lb difference in weight. Tell me grams, I know grams, whats a 'juvi' weight to you?
Old 12-17-03, 08:52 PM   #22
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Cool LOL
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Old 12-17-03, 08:56 PM   #23
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Maybe rodent breeders should sell by the gram. Then you get what you pay for??
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Old 12-17-03, 09:00 PM   #24
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rodentpro does, but they are US based. They do make a great comparison site to see how your spending is going (100 large rats $100, how sweet it can be lol).
Old 12-17-03, 09:05 PM   #25
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I am a rat breeder ( small scale ) and can not raise 100 large rats for $100. Of coarse retired females have made their money!!
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Old 12-17-03, 09:09 PM   #26
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I also raise my own rats so the weight thing is not really an issue for me there, BUT when I head out to a pet store when I don't have enough, the frustration starts. $4 for a 120g rat that THEY call a medium adult? I WISH for a day when there is are standards set for rat sizes based on weight rather than name.
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Old 12-17-03, 09:10 PM   #27
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Jayson, you can't raise 100 rats to adulthood on $100? Food and bedding being the only two factors, sounds do-able to me. I'll figure it out....
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Old 12-17-03, 09:24 PM   #28
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Actually food is the only factor for me. I figured out that one adult rat eats approx. $.50/month worth of food I feed mazuri 6f @19.95 per 50 bag. I figure they eat more then that before adulthood which is about 12-18 weeks of age
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Old 12-17-03, 10:47 PM   #29
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I feed my rats the same and after thinking about it, I would figure you're right.
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Old 12-17-03, 11:39 PM   #30
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Originally posted by jim mcallister
Hey, On this note, i'm on the market for a scale, any ideas on best ones to get? Don't need nothin too fancy, just best bang for the buck?? thanks Jim
I'm in love with <a href="">this scale</a>! I have the 6001 model. IMHO you can't get a better scale for the price. Scales that are similar in comparison run quite a few hundred :/

Originally posted by mykee
I keep painfully accurate records of all weights regarding all of my balls. Example: Pre-eating weight of snake, weight of food item, weight of snake after poop, weight after shed, date of all meals, date of all sheds...
You weren't kidding when you said "painfully accurate", I've never heard of such detailed records before! The cards must look like little science projects! I don't even bother keeping weight records on mine (in fact only time they see a scale is if I'm bored and curious, or if they need to be medicated) Each to their own, as long as it works
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