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Old 12-09-03, 02:32 AM   #1
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killing mice? vinegar+soda

hey jsut wondering what teh best way to do that is? jsut put mice in smaller container. then just mix vinegar and baking soda together inside in anotehr container.

or would it be better for the smell if i put mic ein a small container then had a sealed container with vin/soda mix and run a tub down to the mices container. because co2 is heavy and plus teh preasure woudl puch it down.

what do u think or is there a better method?

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Old 12-09-03, 02:34 PM   #2
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Old 12-09-03, 02:41 PM   #3
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chamitch......keep looking in this forum.....there has been a several long post in the last little bit about this....honestly not blowing you off but the same people (myself included) keep writing the same thing over and over again. please look there are lots of information in these post and lots of oppion......good luck
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Old 12-09-03, 02:43 PM   #4
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I'd put the baking soda in a small tub.
Add a screen over it (2 or 3 inches).
Put the mouse on the screen.
Pour the vinegar and close the lid.

Never tried it and I don't think it would work well but I'm just trying to help
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Old 12-09-03, 02:43 PM   #5
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There are several explainations of how to set up CO2 euthanasia chambers using different sources of CO2 that have been posted in this forum in the past several months. Might be worth it for you to check through the past threads and you can get some detail on how these can be designed.

mary v.
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Old 12-09-03, 04:18 PM   #6
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hmm. i know this site needs a search through particular forums. maybe it does i jsut dotn see it. thanks guys
Only when the last tree has died, and the last river poisioned,
and the last fish caught
will we relize we cannot eat money.
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Old 12-09-03, 04:24 PM   #7
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Look at the top of the screen under the green snake. The search button is there.
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Old 12-09-03, 04:25 PM   #8
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k thanks my man
Only when the last tree has died, and the last river poisioned,
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Old 12-12-03, 05:53 AM   #9
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I use a co2 tank from my paintball gun. I already had everything, so it only costs me a couple bucks when I need to refill the tank, but it should be about $75 for all the supplies you will need if you are willing to spend the money. You will need:
(1) small co2 tank
(2) remote kit (it's a hose that allows you to carry your co2 tank on a belt instead of attatched to the gun)
(3) another connector that would usually go from the hose to the gun (cost me $5)
(4) a small rubbermaid type container with a screw-on lid

Go to a paintball store and tell them what you are doing. They should be able to give you what you need and will probably think it's cool. (Canadian Tire does not have what you need.)

I drilled a hole in the top of the container, hot glued the connector into the hole, drilled another small hole to let air escape (so you don't blow the lid off) and attatched the co2 tank to the hose, the hose to the rubbermaid, put the mice in the rubbermaid, put a paper towel over them so the airflow doesn't piss them off, and let the co2 in fairly slowly. It usually takes about 20-30 seconds for them to stop moving completely and I let it sit another 30 seconds just in case.

I know it would normally cost quite a bit and may take some tweaking, but it's humane and I had the stuff. Just another idea for you.
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Old 12-18-03, 08:32 PM   #10
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Here is a link that may be of interest. I don't think it has effective methods for something more than a handful of animals, but it does mention Vinegar and soda in there somewhere.
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Old 12-18-03, 08:55 PM   #11
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That is the method I used to use. It is less expensive than the paintball co2 method if you already have the materials and equally as effective. Snapping their necks is probably the fastest and most humane way, but I'm afraid I won't do it right and it's just too violent for me.
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Old 12-20-03, 01:11 PM   #12
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i just put a small tub of hot water with dry ice into the bucket (last time i used a plastic garbage can for a bucket). come back 15 minutes or so later and package for freezing.
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