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Old 12-01-03, 04:15 PM   #16
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Hi Mr. teenager,

Like the other posts have said, you are in for a challenge, and then there will be girls, football, soccer, cars, pizza and so on in your next few years - will you have time for it next week? next month? next year??

These are living beings that need daily basic and some not so basic husbandry're taking on quite a project here. I hope you are not going to want to tame it so you can walk around the house with it, show it off to your friends? That is what I did with my tegu's and alligator 30 years ago when I was 13. Don't do that...

Your lizard will tame down when if learns it has nothing to fear from you, and it is on ITS TERMS, not yours - it will relax when IT feels you are no threat, and this can take years! Are you preapared for that?

Also food wise, this animals eats alot, craps a whole lot more and will from say 1 foot to 4.5 feet at least try to bite you every time you pick it up, approach it ect ---- and wait! Then when it hits puberty like you are doing now, it may charge you, going right for your eyes!

Are you still there? If so, good. Put newspaper around all the 3 sides of your 29 gal aqauria, and half of the front too, to give it some security and less exposure. It needs hot temps, maybe 105F and high high humidity (moisture in the air) and clean water every day - lots of food of all kinds, live or dead is fine but avoid canned foods and cheese.

Go get Robert Faust's book, "Nile Monitors" and if your serious, Daniel Bennett and Ravid Thakoordahl book, "Savanna monitor" too....if you cannot find them, let me know and I will give a local pet shops name and tel. no. that has them for sale...

good luck,
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Old 12-02-03, 01:36 AM   #17
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Go get Robert Faust's book, "Nile Monitors" and if your serious
Great suggestion and great book. It's a must for nile keepers.
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Old 12-03-03, 01:56 PM   #18
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I am serious about this and yes im prepared, i have a girl and she like herps too. I dont like much life is reptiles....i prpared for this and so far im raising my own mice and im prepared to feed him meat, i have a first aid kit also...i am prepared for this!
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Old 12-03-03, 01:57 PM   #19
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and is there any chance of a nile and sav. in the same enclosure? Probal not huh?
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Old 12-03-03, 03:54 PM   #20
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You should have no problems keeping the Nile and the Sav together in the short term. Its a damn expensive meal for the Nile, though.

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Old 12-03-03, 03:59 PM   #21
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Agree - my V. albigularis walked over to my V. niloticus, crushed its head and walked away - they never done anything like that before or since, and my albigularis and exanthematicus never interacted, except maybe walking on one another now and then...but at that time I had 22 albigularis and exanthematicus! Boy when they crapped at the same time = look out!!! wheeewww.

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Old 12-04-03, 11:29 AM   #22
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Oh Whats the matter? Wont have the room for a 6' enclosure and an 8' enclosure. Yeap..really prepared
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Old 12-05-03, 01:56 PM   #23
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I fyou dont know about my future enclosure i suggest you dont talk about it. We do have an extra room that is being remodled for the monitors, and its a large room to add. I pu the too togeher and there doing great, my sav has improved his color and hes eating more...there doing great for now,i still watch them for a few hours a day to make sure nothing bad happeds to either one of them. I just tried to feed them a mouse yeaterday (dead) but they refused it.
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Old 12-05-03, 01:57 PM   #24
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plus its alot larger than 8x6.... dont take it in the wrong way, i hope i dont sound mad...
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Old 12-05-03, 02:04 PM   #25
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Im usin my school computer til my intrnets fixed,there alone at home right now...i hope there getting along,there probaly sleepin now.:2yellow:
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Old 12-05-03, 02:43 PM   #26
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I've tried not to critisize up to this point because it is my opinion that people should definitely be allowed to show what they're made of, regardless of age or background.

But if you're not going to even consider what people say, why are you bothering to post? You asked whether housing them together was a good idea. You got two responses saying no. You did it anyways. This type of experimentation can be done, of course, but it has to be recognized as that -- experimentation. Honestly, don't be surprised if one makes a snack of the other.

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Old 12-05-03, 02:54 PM   #27
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i have taken in all advice given, some even said to such as:
You should have no problems keeping the Nile and the Sav together in the short term. Its a damn expensive meal for the Nile, though.

im watching them!
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Old 12-05-03, 03:02 PM   #28
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Originally posted by reptile171
i have taken in all advice given, some even said to such as:
You should have no problems keeping the Nile and the Sav together in the short term. Its a damn expensive meal for the Nile, though.

im watching them!
Maybe you didn't get it, but i am pretty sure that what skinheaddave meant was NO, there's a mighty big chance that the Sav will get it a couple of times over again and you might notice a little sarcasm there...

I would suggest you to listen very carefully to what these people have to say. They know a lot better than you do.

Either way, good luck.
"Your heart understands what your head cannot yet conceive; trust your heart."
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Old 12-05-03, 05:49 PM   #29
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Yeah its called being sarcastic buddy, he didnt actually mean to put them together. Notice how he said " Its a damn expensive meal for the Nile", Well hes inferring that the NILE will tear your other to shredds. You asked for an opinion on if they should go together or not and a few people said NO, but you did it anyways.

I dont know how big these moniters are currently but its not a good idea. I mean, they dont even have the same care requirements for starters, it slike your trying to combine two environments into one. One animal can get sick from the others feces because they can contain things that are harmful to the other.

Not to mention just last week (or the week before) you said your savannah was quite sick, do you want your nile to get the same thing? You should keep a sick animal in quarentine for a while after you've noticed somethings wrong.
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Old 12-05-03, 07:11 PM   #30
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Perhaps I should have emphasized short term ... as in, there will be no problems until your nile kills your sav. I think the others here got what I was getting at.

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