Hey Folks....Larry still hasn't laid
Is there symptoms of being eggbound?
I got a pic of her belly and you can clearly see the eggs.
I know it's not the best for her, but I've been giving her little pieces of bread soaked with liquid calcium(found out the dosage). She will eat those voluntarily. I'm trying to keep her as stressfree as possible.
She is very hostile towards me, getting b!!!!ier as the days go by. Open mouth threats and hissing. I dawned hubby's snowmobile gloves and grabbed her today for a bath. She didn't bite me or anything, and I cuddled her while she was wrapped in her towel.
Is the increased moodiness showing me she's almost there (time to lay)?
How do I know when too much time has gone by, and that she cannot pass the eggs?
Thanks alot.