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Old 11-06-03, 03:17 AM   #1
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Charcoal, Milk, Okeetee

Well don't know why but wanted to take some photos of these 'morphs' (well except the charcoal cause the charcoal is a morph)

I haven't posted these snakes before. They're not the same snakes that I posted.

Dont konw why but this charcoal has really grown on me. She's definately ready to breed next year. She's not just large but super fat. So next year will be her first year at breeding~ I think she's great looking
<img src="">

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I really like this head shot. Brings her true color out and it's quite clear IMO
<img src="">

Why is it always like this? Whenever I want to take a decent photo of her, she goes into shed...o well..I'll try again when she finishes her shed..
My huge milk snake phase corn snake, again would be ready for next year for sure. But the male is a bit on the small side...but I'll try and see if they'll do what they should do..
<img src="">

Okeetee (boarders are not as thick as I would like but he's really nice and eats like a champ~) Proven and he's the father to this year's okeetees that I sold out~ Next year I'll try with another male and see how he does...
<img src="">

Hope you all enjoyed the photos~
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Old 11-06-03, 03:43 AM   #2
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That last one kicks a$$!!!
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Old 11-06-03, 06:27 AM   #3
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He's just a 'normal' okeetee directly from Kathy Love (best okeetees that are produced, IMHO)
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Old 11-06-03, 10:33 AM   #4
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Simon, that "Charcoal" looks more like an Anery A to me. According to Kathy Love, the difference between an Anery A and a Charcoal (Anery B) is that charcoals are axanthic, whereas Anerys do retain the yellow pigment. I see quite a lot of yella in that fella. Please correct me if I'm wrong here, but here's a quote from her site:

CHARCOAL CORNS (Type "B" Anerythristics) Each season I have a few of these hatch and become available. This strain of black albino corn is far less common, and is one “ingredient” of making blizzard corns. They are almost totally axanthic, meaning they lack even the residual yellow pigment on their throats that’s typical in type A anerythristic specimens
So, are you sure that's not an Anery?
- Ken LePage
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Old 11-06-03, 11:25 AM   #5
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Charcoal is Anery B and I have heard that today you can't really call an Anery A or Anery B because both sometimes have yellows, or in some cases have no yellow so the only way to know for sure is breeding trials. I have seen a few Anery B with yellow lately.

Either way that milksnake phase is awesome!

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Old 11-06-03, 09:02 PM   #6
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Yup Marisa is right.
To really tell the difference between an anery a and an anery b is to breed it. They were said to have no yellow at first but with time we found out that anery b (charcoals) could have a lot of yellow on them. So can't really tell by the looks. Have to truely breed them and prove them.

They are truely nice looking animals~
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