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Old 11-05-03, 06:23 PM   #1
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Breeding Bunnies

I finaly found a place to breed rabbits. I'm not sure exactly how many to breed to keep the rabbits kicking out a good supply of feeders. there's going to be outside pen and a sort of dog house hutch to stay warm . I was going to put a heat bulb in as well.
I need info on breeding . I was thinking 4 females and 1 male
I said rabbits are a high price here in another post $10 for small & $28 for large. mostly cause' these are sold as pets. The pet store here won't sell me any more . I have to get friends to go in.
I need enough rabbits to feed 2 7' growing retics. (currently on small rabbits and large guinnie pigs.)
Any info on breeding or a place for feeders would be great. ( BC or alberat only please)
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Old 11-05-03, 08:53 PM   #2
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Why is this in the "Inquiry Post" forum?
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Old 11-05-03, 08:53 PM   #3
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It isn't. Because I just moved it, ha ha!
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Old 11-08-03, 04:18 PM   #4
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any others here who breed there own?
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Old 11-08-03, 04:21 PM   #5
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From what I heard you can't keep the females together.
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Old 11-08-03, 04:43 PM   #6
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Not sure about keeping females together but I know the male needs to be kept seperate.
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Old 11-08-03, 06:22 PM   #7
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Sorry I don't know much about breeding bunnies. I have to agree with the above, I've heard that you cannot run them in colonies such as mice and rats, as well as you must only put the male with the female to breed then they must be seperated. Just curious though... why won't they sell you anymore bunnies?
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Old 11-08-03, 07:12 PM   #8
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they know they are going to a snake , as they won't sell me PETS as food.
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Old 11-09-03, 11:17 AM   #9
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i used to breed rabbits to sell them at the horse auction but the one thing i no is just one pair can prudus alot or babbies like say the first litter only had 5 welll the the next will have 7 or 8 and and the next 10 or 11 and so on.... so i would say proly just a couple of pairs and your set

Box :sun:
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Old 11-09-03, 11:58 AM   #10
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These sites will give you most of the info needed.

Good Luck

Last edited by Weather1; 11-09-03 at 12:01 PM..
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Old 11-09-03, 01:01 PM   #11
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Um you can keep the females together IF you get them young and they are used to each other or if they are siblings. But I wouldnt keep them together after breeding. They tend to fight a bit more and I dont know if I would trust another female around the babies. Dont even try to keep the males together once they hit sexual maturity it can get ugly.

The litter size kinda depends on the type of bunny you breed. I personally would go with a larger breed if I were you since you are gonna need large rabbits later when your baby gets bigger. English lops get pretty big and californians,and flemish giants are good. Id probably go for californians or the flemmish giant since they arent as cute. But the bigger the breed the larger the litters usually and the less time you have to wait for the babies to grow to feeder size.

You can pretty much depend on a litter in 31 days almost by clock work. Be sure to put some straw in there and a box, cardboard will do but they will chew on it later, usually when they start doin that though its time to get the box outta there anyways. You'll pretty much know when the doe is about to have the babies she will pull her hair out from her belly to make the nest and start carrying straw in her mouth to make the nest. Dont touch the babies when they are born if you are dieing to find out how many there are or if they are even there blow on the fur/nest and that will part the fur so you can have a look without touching anything. Im not sure how long it takes the larger breeds to grow to jumbo rat size I breed mini rex and it takes about 6 weeks.
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Old 11-09-03, 01:13 PM   #12
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i know of a place here in alberta you can get frozen feeder rabbits for cheap.
They said they will ship but you will just have to phone them to see what you need.

J&M rabbit farms
(403)317-0334 (Fax#)
[10:12pm]«@ [Matt]» he's all up in there like swimwear.
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Old 11-09-03, 05:42 PM   #13
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Thanks guys you helped me out alot.
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Old 11-12-03, 10:28 AM   #14
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oh if you plan on making a rack where the cages will be side by side, make sure there are boards between cages if you have a female next to a male other wise the male will spray the female (blech!) its pretty gross
If youre happy and ya know it slap your face!
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Old 11-13-03, 04:42 PM   #15
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I was thinking of making a vertical rackwith pull out drawers. but it's good to know that the males will spray.
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