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09-20-03, 05:28 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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I saw it simply because I work at the reptile shope you baught it at Magazoo I asked Martin how much he was leting it go for and he said it was all ready sold then he pointed you out to me I only saw you for a split second I did not know who you were so I did not go a introduce myself.
And if money is no option then why ask if you could build a S#!T @$$ cage and let it free roam at night we want to have these animals then we should porvide them with proper caging that is the least the deserve. I dont blame you for buying it it is a sweet looking monitor but this is not a gecko we are talking about it is one of the bigest lizards out there and you are still asking how big a cage it needs and how big of a water dish it needs.
To me that is all stuf you should have thaught of B4 you got it But that might just be me.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
09-20-03, 07:08 PM
Join Date: Jul-2003
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I know what the animal needs, all I want to know is what is the min. this beast needs. I'm moving in june and want to know what to look for as space. And just to let you know, when I bought it Martin was not even working that day!!!!! (MARC)
REPTILES RULE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09-20-03, 11:43 PM
Join Date: Sep-2003
Location: California
Posts: 355
Hi Greg
I was 75% done with African book, the way I wanted it and all when my computer crashed and I lost it all - I still have all the notes and all the material here - but my enthusiasm is lacking alot, and I do not know if I want to put all that energy back into something I have already done.....for instance: a country by country synopsis of Varanus living there, people who collected there, explorers who made a vara-discovery, and all associated stuff like that that made it real and alive. Not to mention the species synopsis for living/fossil varanus from their anatomy to their zygomatic arch discussions and all about each species and what they are, where they are, and where they're going....and then the chapter on Africa itself and what is this continent like? The book only had 4 chapters + a appendix with 500 local names found by me for these animals -= do I want to sit down and do it all again?? I don't know.....it was thousands of hours of effort, and for what - to be lost in a millisecond - I know your answer Gregg - I just don't know mine. I was also working on a S.E. Asia varanid book with to include all the stuff I have on them too - these books will let people see how much is really out there, and that the cyberworld is not everything!!
You keep going with your article Gregg - Im there to help you anytime, but I will not make copies from my snake book anymore = too fragile/rare....hope that last stuff I sent you on Bitis was useful? Did you email him?? do so....
cheers Smeggy-Greggy,
09-20-03, 11:59 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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I dont care man do what ever the heck you want with the darn thing I could not care less you asked questions I gave you an answer.
SURE....I came off as being rough and maby down right rude.. But tell me this why on gods green earth would you buy a best like monitor just to give it the smallest posible enclosure with the smallest posible water dish. AND even consider having it free roam at night just to make up for where you slacked off...while you are planing on moving. WHY...Why did you buy that monitor under thows condition.
I am sick of seing ppl get huge @$$ reptiles giving noting but the min. space and some times min. food to slow down the groth. (this may not be your case) I am speeking in general.
PPL need to face reality YES it is a sweet looking monitor and YES they make excelent display animals but only in a profesional set up. you dont stick a 3 foot monitor in a 4 foot cage just cause it fits and it is not a big clean up job.
You put a 3 foot monitor in somthing like a 8 foot cage with a huge water dish to swim in log type branches littel rock caves.
Ya sure when it is all said and done you have like 4-5 feet of flore space but on top of that you have a pond for it to swim in nice basking spots a hand full of hiding places.
ppl need to stop thinking what will keep it alive and start thinking what will make it thrive what will keep it content how will I reach all of what it needs to be in a comfertable stress free enviorment.
AND you should of had all these answers B4 you baught the animal.
Why get a water monitor and just keep it alive when you could have got a 40 galon tank 1.5 leopard geckos and make them thrive and have that much more respect for you collection and recive that much more respect from others.
And you are maby thinking to your self well "you are the only one complanig (MARC)."
The thing is that there are a bunch of ppl reading this and feel the same way as me they just wana keep the peace and most of the time I do to. BUT when it is somthing like this I just have to voice my self some times the thread get moved for evaluation I get warnings by mods GOD love them they put up with me through so many of my mis spelled rants.
In conclusion: from my fave movie head of state by Chris Rock."This $#!t is WRONG." I know it and ppl here know it the day you see it you will have a whole new view on being a herpacultralist.
Marc Doiron
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
09-21-03, 12:07 AM
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09-21-03, 08:40 AM
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Chondro, I gotta agree.. Matrix. go buy an ackie, a storrs a timor etc etc the possibilities are endless. You definatly dont want an asian water if you dont have the space. This isnt meant to bash you, people make mistakes but that water is going to get huge (providing kept properly)
09-21-03, 02:48 PM
Join Date: Jul-2003
Location: montréal
Age: 54
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chondro even though you lacked a little respect towards me, you got me thinking. I'm man enough to addmitt that I went over my head buying the water monitor. so after everyone's advise I decided to find my water monitor a better home, witch is already done. thanks to everyone for there advise, even you marc!!!!!
REPTILES RULE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09-21-03, 06:15 PM
Join Date: Sep-2003
Location: California
Posts: 355
That was very adult of you to do, and admit to others - most people would do neither publically or even quietly...Thanks. Its in the best for everybody, and you realized that certainly.....it is a hard thing to do - I did this some months ago when I gave up monitor living in my home entirely, after 22+ years....it was too much for me now, and I gave it up. Now, I read and write about them, and do miss them. Well Done!
Best Regards,
09-22-03, 12:59 AM
Join Date: Feb-2003
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick
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not a prob;em I come down hard on ppl simply be cause it semas to sink in better J/K. You as a person I have nothing against you did what was best I am proud and feal bad I realy wanted to help you to build a cage for it I just wanted it to be the best cage it deserved or I was not gona help then I tryed to tell you what you need not in the nicest way but I got my point a cross.
I go head to head with a bunch off ppl here most are newbies that dont think I am righ so are verry expereinced ppl that I think are wrong I alwas end up seeing there point in the lomg run just like you did. just to name a few V.hb thaught me a few things I dont remember the actual debate but it was intence and I lost.
Now Snakeman87 there is a kid that got it bad from a tone of ppl here and now we are alwas on MSN together. And I mean that is a kid I choped at the Knees every post he wroght and now he is one of the first to back me up on a topic.
You see I get hot under the coller cause I love my animals and all reptiles and can't digest when some one dosent know what they are seting them selves up for. So I say it as a see it some times if I am in a good mood the day I see it I am nice about it but if I am having a bad day it comes out rude or just not nicely said. but I am well known to not suger coate squat. I call them as I see them if I am wrong so be it I will admit where I was wrong. But when I am right and some one is saying I am wrong then it gets ugly I will debat the isue to death till that person sees it and if it is realy going down hill I wil re-ases my way of doing things and see if there is room for error they way I am doing things. if so then maby just maby I may be wrong then I back off.
But this was sertanly not the case with you. sorry for insulting you or hurting you fealings put some one had to step up too the plate if not you would be beating you self up in the future.
0.1 Jungle Carpet Pythons,
09-22-03, 01:03 PM
Join Date: Nov-2002
Location: Toronto
Age: 43
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alot of people feel they are equipped to keep certain animals, and don;t find out that they are until they own them. it happens, and alot of people also take offence to others telling them that they really need to re-think their position! it was very good of you to return that salvator. I own albigularus, this is also a huge species, but not like a salvator. I'd love to own them, but iam just not equipped with the proper space to do so.
09-23-03, 06:08 PM
Squamata Concepts
Join Date: Jan-2003
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Age: 49
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Hey Mark, As usual the info you sent me was most helpful....... Hey Mark, is there any documentation on V. albigularis feeding on puff adders that you know of........ I may want to add something about what preys on them also......... You are one of the best resourses for info that I know of........ Thanks for all of your help buddy.......
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
09-23-03, 06:47 PM
Join Date: Nov-2002
Location: Montreal
Posts: 893
yes gregg, Gogga poblished on albigularis eating puff adders, I thingk Gogga and Mark are related, these 2 are the only one in the world with such a passion for African varanids, very interesting material.
Herpetoculture isn’t an exact science!!
09-23-03, 07:42 PM
Squamata Concepts
Join Date: Jan-2003
Location: USA
Age: 49
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Thanks Steeve...... I will talk to Mark over the phone about it...... I am sure he will have some good answers for me.....
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
09-23-03, 08:05 PM
Join Date: Sep-2003
Location: California
Posts: 355
HI Gregg and Steve,
There are actually a few valid reports on V. albigularis feeding on Bitis, and in one paper, an actual photograph of them doing so... in another paper it describes hatchling V. albigularis response to Bitis = same as adults - hilarious to watch. They go spastic when scent is captured by their big noses.....if you wish exact details/source papers, let me know - I think the oldest one I have is ~1909.....as for Gogga and I being related, I would be honoured to be related this missanthrope recluse who described original fossils, plants, petrology, and V. albigularis..... my kind of fellow, to live 40+ years in nowhere, living with V. albigularis and making the occassional passing-by haggard spookdorp woman or sheep nervous!! hahaha.....
Cheers guys,
09-25-03, 11:55 PM
Please Email Boots
Join Date: Mar-2007
Posts: 1,867
That is great information once again Mark.
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