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Old 09-17-03, 10:21 PM   #16
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Originally posted by xxbad
you can hardly do this with snakes can anyone do this with snakes?
Why couldnt you?

And also i think it is very irresponsible to let your herp run around the house for 4 days and think oh he knows what hes doing so he'll be alright for 4 days to do what he wants.

and i would never leave a reptile in my house unsupervised, EVER.

And 1 other thing i can barely understand your posts. Try a spellchecker or something man.
[10:12pm]«@ [Matt]» he's all up in there like swimwear.
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Old 09-17-03, 10:27 PM   #17
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i know my typing has been bad i learned how to type wrong so im doing it the right way gettin used to it and i know so much about water dragon and when they lick the floor there are smelling its how they smell i have let my water dragon do this for almost a year now and i know other ppl who do this everyone here is freakin out i have a website on water dragon where ppl ask me question

i know a lot i have cured a respritory disease on my water dragon its not that hard actually. well what ever your opinion is thats cool
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Old 09-17-03, 10:27 PM   #18
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do you know much about water dragons my water dragon can live in my house practically many lizard owners do this.
Yes, I do. And yes, some owners do let their lizards live in the house. It isn't necessarily smart, though. When it comes to large iguanas it's not so bad, they can't really get into little spaces. But water dragons are pretty small (1.5 feet isn't big). I know a person who let's his live in his house, they have a special corner set up and works okay, but he's had a couple die when they got sick and he obviously couldn't find them because they were hiding. And he does NOT let them go outside.

about the cats instincts my cat when she was smaller would bounce on him and try to attack him. But she has been taught and trust my water dragon is safe and can wonder around my house
So you let your cat attack your water dragon before you taught her otherwise? I'm not saying that cats and reptiles can't live in the same environment (I've seen this done with Iguanas and cats), but I'm not saying it's a smart thing to do, especially when your little lady is only a foot and a half. You never know when your cat's instincts will kick in.

All this to say, it probably isn't the wisest thing to let your 18 inch water dragon wander around a house with a cat and access to the outdoors. There are just too many variables (wild animals and other cats, pesticides and other poisons, people who don't like reptiles, cold spells etc). And if your dragon get's sick you can bet she won't be out in the open for "predators" to find her. I'm only saying this because I've seen it before and I don't want to see it again.

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Old 09-17-03, 10:31 PM   #19
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oops lol not bounce pounce you know they try to sneak up on em. then i grabbed my cat back then i watched him well this water dragon has shown exceptionally good bahaviour i cant do this with my other 2 water dragons
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Old 09-17-03, 10:34 PM   #20
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Just because you know alot about them does not mean SH^T!
If you licked "Bleach" on the floor do you think it could harm you?
Even know they lick for smell if they came in contact with something like that it could harm them.

Don't get me wrong letting them out is cool if they you are there but to leave them out for 4 day's when you are not there?

Just my 2 cents But what do i know

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Old 09-17-03, 10:34 PM   #21
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I don't let them roam freely, too many things to get into. I often close the door to the room my herps are in and let my beardie out for hours at a time, he also has a window seat he basks on in the summer (I open the window and there is a screen to keep him from getting out). I let my ball python out to roam around in the same room but I am always in there with her.
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Old 09-17-03, 10:40 PM   #22
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ya you just cant let your hersps do this in some houses but i let my water dragon get into stuff she always goes into the bookcase and movie cuboard lol
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Old 09-18-03, 05:04 AM   #23
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xxbad- I agree with everyone else on here...Letting your reptiles out of the cage is one thing but be smart about it. If you had a 2 year old son would you leave him alone for 4 days? The point is that kids are curious just like animals....letting him out of his cage...into a whole new enviroment is something i'd personally like to suprivise with my reptiles.....ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN!!!!!! i wouldn't suggest doing that again, hell , your lucky she came back inside in the first place!!
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Old 09-18-03, 06:05 AM   #24
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I will only let my larger kings and my hondo cruise around supervised in a controlled environment. Anything else and you are tempting fate. Free reign is just irresponsible.

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Old 09-18-03, 08:01 AM   #25
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I let my blue tongued skink out to roam, but only when I'm home! I used to let him roam the whole house, but I recently added a new kitten to the family. Which now makes 3 cats and a dog. The dog would never hurt the bts, she's as gentle as they come. But cats have a very high prey drive. My adult cats have always left the bts alone, but this kitten is a different story. Plus, 3 cats and a dog would be too stressful for the bts. So now I shut the door to a room and let him roam in there for a while when it is warm enough. Not in the winter.
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Old 09-18-03, 08:26 AM   #26
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I would let an adult Savannah Monitor wander maybe. But I only have smaller snakes right now and quite frankly if I lost montey I would be heartbroken.

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Old 09-18-03, 08:58 AM   #27
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NOT a wise idea with ANY kind of reptile.
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Old 09-18-03, 10:26 AM   #28
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I agree with most the people here. I wouldn't let my reptiles roam free around the house at all. I may get one of my beardies out for a few hours but i'm always there he usually sits behind me on the couch but i always know where he is and what he's doing. Plus i live in a basement and i know i would lose them Even worse it's usually too cold down there for them unless they are in thier cages.
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Old 09-18-03, 11:18 AM   #29
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i know other ppl who do this everyone here is freakin out i have a website on water dragon where ppl ask me question
So you know people who do the same thing as you? That just means they are no brighter than you and if people you know jump of a bridge would you do it too?

Of course we are freaking out… Do you even read what you are writing? And about your website, maybe you should research more about reptiles before you answer questions from other people. With what you are saying on this thread, I have big doubts about your knowledge of reptiles. One other thing about the freaking out thing, maybe you should listen to people who are older, wiser and know more then you.
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Old 09-19-03, 11:03 AM   #30
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I like my cats and dogs, whom are already looked at as food items by my
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