Must have! Did you get any paper work stating that it's Sears’s line? Most of us know that Dan has some Sears line, but what if some day you get another Sears line and breed them. How will you advertise them as Sears line, how do you prove it? Not everyone knows who Dan is or what he has. I've got a pair of Hogs and there's no doubt they are pure but I'm not fortunate enough to be able to trace them directly back to the Hogs that Dr. Sears imported back in the 70's. That still doesn't make them any less pure though.
I guess the point I'm getting at is that Hogs are growing in popularity and the word "Sears" sells Hogs. It also appears to be coming with an extra $100 attached to the price. So since a Sears line Hog is getting a higher price how can people, both consumer and dealer, protect themselves against everyone saying that their Hogs are Sears line? For an extra $100 I'm not taking anyone’s word for it. I want proof, but what kind of proof can people provide in this case?
My two cents,