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Old 08-16-02, 12:27 PM   #1
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western gaboon vipers

i need some general info on western gaboon's i am really interested in this species and have not found ne info for them on the net so if ne 1 has 1 or knows a good webpage or has info on them please let me know!
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Old 08-16-02, 12:30 PM   #2
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lol Martin you are asking for trouble dude... if you are going to keep hots you might start first by building yourself a escape proof room, sealing all corners and edges with silicone caulking and buying a metal door... it may sound funny, but if you are going to buy a venomous snake, do it responsibly.. for your safety and others who live in the city with you! is offline  
Old 08-16-02, 12:31 PM   #3
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Especially since you got your first snake like 1 month ago... to go from a baby bp to a gaboon viper is LUDACRIS... first you should buy a VERY quick and VERY vicious non venomous snake and lion tame with it before you venture into hots... is offline  
Old 08-16-02, 12:44 PM   #4
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a month ago lol....i have had snakes and lizards since i was a kid...mind u they were milk snakes but oh well and i want to do research before i get 1
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Old 08-16-02, 03:36 PM   #5
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I have one male east african gaboon and will be getting him a girl-friend at the end of the month (Hopefully a digicam too so I can post pics). They are beautiful animals. Though all he seems to do is lay in one position, ANYTHING that passes his side view is nailed, very scary fast. A jumbo rat is usually down by the count of five. The hospital said two things, the twenty minute drive would kill me, and that they do not and will not accept responsibility for keeping the anti-venin. This is not a first hot, when I got mine I developed a shield for my hook, and totally new protocol for cage cleaning on all the hots. Start with a fase water cobra, mangrove, copperhead (another beautiful snake), or something else that isn't often a one bite ends all snake. In the wild there often are many dry reaction bites. Someone steps on a snake it gives a bite reaction without envenomation occuring, in captivity almost every bite is a provocation bite with plenty of venom delievered. The mention of steel door ect. is right on, my snake room has no exit points except the door and window. The door is a Standley Steel and both precut knob openings have keyed deadbolts. Hots is a step up, Gaboons is a large step up. JMO
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Old 08-16-02, 03:42 PM   #6
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well i do eventually want to get 1 but i am just doing research on them and getting peoples opinions on them and info from ppl who own/breed them so i can learn what i need to know so 1 day i can own 1 or 2
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Old 08-16-02, 03:53 PM   #7
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Yeah maybe first you should get a diamondback or even a false water cobra... or even a VERY NASTY non venomous species and see if you get tagged by it.. because realisticly if you get tagged by the gaboon your going to die.. so if the nasty snake tags you once... dont even bother getting a hot... because that one bite would have killed you... is offline  
Old 08-16-02, 04:07 PM   #8
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Their care is pretty simple, I keep mine the same as I keep my colubrids. Aspen substrate that gets cleaned every defication and heat, water doesn't seem to be a big deal they only use small dish unlike the corns wanting something to soak in. Mine has never turned down a mouse or small rat. They can gain a lot of bulk to the 20+lbs point so the do require a strong cage as well as secure.
Old 08-16-02, 05:52 PM   #9
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i was told an enclouser that is 4feet long X 2feet wide X 1 feet high..mad of melamine and have the lid @ the top....what do u keep urs in?
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Old 08-17-02, 02:04 AM   #10
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currently he is in an aquarium no hides lol I want to always be sure exactly where he is.
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Old 08-17-02, 04:48 AM   #11
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Be VERY careful if you are considering getting a gaboon. I had several in my collection a few years ago. These Vipers command alot of respect. They often look calm and just lay around. That's because they can tag you not only from the front like most snakes, but these guys can also tag you from the sides and at lightning speed. They don't seem to be active, but when they want to strike, they will tag you before you know it. They are highly venomous, but I think their unpredictable ambush ability is what makes them dangerous and not for novices. I've had albino western diamondback rattlers and I think they are less dangerous because they warn you and gaboons do not. I also agree with the above advices, especially with building a escape proof room. You must be RESPONSIBLE, for you and people around you. Also you have to consider the LAW.
Anyways this is my advice, If you do decide to get one, best of luck. They are beautiful species to work with.
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Last edited by KaHane; 08-17-02 at 03:52 PM..
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Old 08-17-02, 06:42 AM   #12
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This species may look bulky and slow but take KaHanes and Sterlings first hand advice Martin and dont go out and buy one of these... Im not saying you CANT raise it, but i just dont want to see you get injured or worse... trust me dude, buy a really vicious non venomous first and learn how to work with something you CAN NOT handle.. is offline  
Old 08-17-02, 10:04 AM   #13
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once again i said i am gaining knowledge first!! then when i am ready i will be getting 1 but by no means am i ready yet
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Old 08-17-02, 10:10 AM   #14
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no, i hear you man thats why im telling you to pick up a vicious normal snake like a W/C adult ratsnake or something so you can get used to cleaning etc without getting tagged! is offline  
Old 08-17-02, 10:37 AM   #15
Shane Tesser
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what ever you decide to do, just remember all it takes is one slip up. Like the rev said, you wont make it to the hospital. And with the speed of these things, i personally wouldn't chance it, no matter how much of an expert i was, but thats just imo. There is other hots that are just as beautiful that can hurt you but not necessarily kill you and thats where i would go. Gaboon are really beautiful but there is lots of beautiful hots out there. Just make the wises decision for you, and consider other pets, family and surroundings etc. Your right to do research, start there. Shane.
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