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Old 08-22-03, 07:28 PM   #1
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Bci eating everything around

Here is one of my female Bcis on eating time.
There is one adult on the throat and the tails of three hoppers
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Old 08-22-03, 07:44 PM   #2
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Is that healthy?
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Old 08-22-03, 08:07 PM   #3
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Old 08-22-03, 08:32 PM   #4
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WOWZERS!! Hope she doesnt choke pulling a stunt like that.
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Old 08-22-03, 08:34 PM   #5
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Yeap, they are hoppers. Instead of second adult, gave her 3 hoppers (the one of them was very skinny).
It is always better to feed many mice but smaller than 1 or 2 but very big.
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Old 08-22-03, 09:20 PM   #6
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Originally posted by reptilesalonica

It is always better to feed many mice but smaller than 1 or 2 but very big.

And why is this?
it makes no sense to me
[10:12pm]«@ [Matt]» he's all up in there like swimwear.
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Old 08-22-03, 09:42 PM   #7
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Smaller items digest far more easier than bigger ones.
Usually is not a problem feeding large items but must keep an eye for regurg problems.
Especially in the winter time, where the temps are lower.
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Old 08-22-03, 09:46 PM   #8
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OUCH............I am no expert but that is just wrong dude. Once thing is feeding and another things is dangerous feeding. This is just that. Feed a good size meal or a few small ones if you do not have a bigger size, but don' t go nuts stuffing the animal on its feeds.


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Old 08-22-03, 09:51 PM   #9
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well maybe the small ones do digest faster or easier than the big ones but it isnt going to matter very much when the boa is stuffed full of small ones. that to me is powerfeeding, and is not safe for your boa. i stick with 1-2 apropriate sized prey and that is it.
[10:12pm]«@ [Matt]» he's all up in there like swimwear.
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Old 08-22-03, 09:55 PM   #10
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It's not power feeding since they are small and digest easier.
And i don't stuff the Boa, see her belly and you get the point of how much food she needs.
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Old 08-22-03, 11:17 PM   #11
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Ok I know I'm probably going to get yelled at.......But I don't even have a boa, and that just don't look right to me....lets see you try and stuff one big pizza in your mouth, then 2-3 smaller ones at the same time.....uncomfortable right?
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Old 08-23-03, 11:49 AM   #12
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Originally posted by sapphire_moon
lets see you try and stuff one big pizza in your mouth, then 2-3 smaller ones at the same time.....uncomfortable right?
wish i could do that, sounds like fun.
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Old 08-23-03, 01:21 PM   #13
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It is better to feed just one large prey item. That big "lump" gets worked away at as it works down the snake's intestines, and is exctreted perfectly. I'm sure feeding small stuff like that really messed the snake up. Step up to rats.

How do you get the other mice in?

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Old 08-23-03, 01:28 PM   #14
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Originally posted by Zoe
Step up to rats.


my thoughts exactly Zoe.
that snake could easily take medium-large rats no prob.
[10:12pm]«@ [Matt]» he's all up in there like swimwear.
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Old 08-23-03, 01:43 PM   #15
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Meh, even two small rats! But Greg, if you feed that many MICE the snake is eating mostly fur, tail and bone! Mice aren't meaty in the first place, but furry and boney, and you're feeding 4+ of them. Definitely unhealthy - the snake is not getting enough of what it needs and too much of what it doesn't need.
Feeding a large rodent will NOT HARM the snake! Snakes were BUILT to take down large prey, why do you think their jaws can unhinge? Why do you think they get so big and eat such large prey in the wild? Because they were made to - it's how their bodies are designed! (well, with the exception of insectivorious snakes). Yes they take LONGER to digest, but snakes are built for it, but it is not HARDER to digest them. And it's far easy to digest meat than fur and bone, anyway, which your snake is getting too much of.
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