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Old 07-31-03, 10:12 PM   #16
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Nobody is bashing you or becoming negative but if you really can't understand the dangers you put yourself, and others into you don't deserve to own those animals. I cant believe you posted that you did this!!! those animals arent cheap, you invested in your first varanid iam guessing and purchased a pair of crocs?!!? jeez.
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Old 07-31-03, 10:17 PM   #17
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I do not own a monitor, and never will...but does it not make sense even to put the monitor at least into one of those dog or large cat travelling cages? I mean, they are pretty big...big enough for a monitor. I could be wrong...if I am just disregard...but they are very open, yet secure. and at the same time, it's more safe, and they get used to going to the vet's, or wherever. just an idea...
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Old 07-31-03, 10:23 PM   #18
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oh, another thing, people were talking about the impact it would have on other people driving their cars. monitor bites you, you swerve and endanger EVERY other driver. Hell, if someone is gonna f'n drive drunk I would care more about the other people on the road before I worry about that person. same thing. you endanger everyone else by doing that. ALL REPTILES have instincts despite how long they have been in captivity... if that weren't true, why do you need to lock them up? why not put your head in their mouths? You don't cause they still have their instincts and they can do damage. just a thought..
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Old 08-01-03, 01:17 AM   #19
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Hi Firepower,

I have corresponded with George Schaller, on Orcas, and had lunch with Jane Goodall and other primatologists here in Berkeley. Boy oh boy can I tell you stories about Louis Leakey, Diane Fossey and others! Anyway, they are very noble people and took chances - risky, sometimes life-threatening chances in the name of Science - the persons posting are saying the same thing - LOOK OUT! BE CAREFUL! Thats all....if you cannot take this comments, that is a shame. I believe you wanted to inject some levity here, thats great! and I appreciate humor more than most!
But things like can go disasterously wrong, and nobody wants to see that happen to you...think about it.

V. salvadorii is a wild animal that does what it needs to do, on its terms - you have not interjected anything so far, to change its behavior, but someday, unprovoked, you might!! Keep this in the back on your mind ok?

good luck,
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Old 08-01-03, 03:35 AM   #20
Steeve B
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Herpetoculture isn’t an exact science!!

Last edited by Steeve B; 08-05-03 at 02:12 AM..
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Old 08-01-03, 04:07 AM   #21
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I am not a varanid owner, and know little about them beyond some research I did a while back when contemplating getting one... but I would not BELIEVE that post when I read it. I thought it was a joke or that I did understand correctly. Reptiles aren't dogs, they don't have "fun" driving around the city looking at stuff. They are afraid in that situation! And just because they were closing their eyes, it doesn not mean they were calm. My lizard closes her eyes when she is afraid.
And I do believe the concern was also for other people. Yes you had your eye on them, but whats stopping one of them from getting irritated and attacking... where'll you be then?

Chimps and crocs ARENT the same thing. Not even close. I don't see how comparing yourself to Jane Goodall, makes what you did right.

Now, no one jumped on you at all... they were simply apalled by the behaviour exibited. I think almost anyone would be! They are concerned for you and the crocs - what is wrong with that? Would you rather hear "good, keep stressing your crocs around in your car, maybe throw them on some children next time you are out in the city with wild varanids!"? If so, then it is probably better you have chosen to leave, because there is no sense in giving advice that will not be taken.

However, if you are willing to listen to what is being said, and consider it from both sides - as well as admitting that what you did was not the wisest thing as opposed to get offended when you're countered then you will be an asset to this site.

Sorry to hear you want to leave - I am even sorrier for your crocs and anyone they may end up injuring (or worse).


Steeve - you are probably right.
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Old 08-01-03, 02:34 PM   #22
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bla bla
Herpetoculture isn’t an exact science!!

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Old 08-01-03, 08:00 PM   #23
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Steeve, as irresonsible as some people can be, its not nessecarily fair to take the enjoyment (varanids) out of the hobby for yourself, and others that you wish to aid with their varanids. I assure you not everyone is as far out as "firepower". I for one have used pretty well everything you have advised me to, and its working great. My monitors are doing much better with all of the info you provided me with. If you decide not to work with varanids anymore, it's truely a shame. You are living proof that varanids can be kept, bred and remain healthy and natural in an unnatural captive setting.. I really hope you choose to continue to enjoy this hobby!
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Old 08-01-03, 10:10 PM   #24
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^^ exactly what he said ^^

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Old 08-04-03, 02:40 PM   #25
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Did I ever tell you guys how much my spitting cobras like to have their chins tickled?

*Flat out couldn't resist*

Without heaping any more insult upon our croc owner/motorist, I only want to illuminate the larger picture:

It is that kind of example of behavior in handling dangerous exotics that will be referred to as cause for banning the ownership of such animals. There are a hundred ways that the "adventure" could have gone wrong. Sadly, you weren't aware of any of them. That scares me. Best of luck with the pair. Please obtain some standard animal crates if and when travelling by car becomes necessary in the future.
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Old 08-04-03, 03:00 PM   #26
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Lol ectotherm, I want a pic of that!!! :-p
Na don't wouln't even want to imagine what could have happened if you were to try and tickle a cobra's chin.
As for the person who drove her crocs in a car, well were those the 2 crocs someone wants to give away on this forum if they can prove they can care for them?
Anyhow, I had a back roughneck (baby about 2 or 3 months old) and it was a wc and had a lot of ulceres in it's insides. I treated him with baytril injections I had to give him each day. And I still took precautions even if I was 99% certain he would never bite me because of the 1% chance he would. She should have done the same thing and think about that % that could have made the cros react and bite or whip.
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Old 08-04-03, 03:33 PM   #27
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bla bla
Herpetoculture isn’t an exact science!!

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Old 08-04-03, 03:38 PM   #28
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I wasn't comparing it to them, just saying that if I take precautions for a rn (which is smaller and less tempered) then she should really take more precautions.
I saw a salvadori croc in a petstore near me, the people there aren't being careful of it, the cage is right at the entrance and people always stick their fingers in the cage...
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Old 08-04-03, 04:28 PM   #29
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wow, as guess there is no helping when a site gets as large as this one but having some folks that just plain don't need to be in the hobby. I guess this is a perfect place to say be VERY carefull who you listen to here. Lately seems like I have seen too many people posting advise or making statements that are incorrect, totally wrong for the species, or just bad. Be sure to make your own judgements about who you'll listen to or believe, some of the things said here can lead to the death or poor health of your animal or put you or your family in danger. lol I own 2 gaboon vipers that have never struck at or bitten anyone so they must be safe to play with using the logic that started this thread. I feel her leaving was a plus for the forums. There is unconventional and there is stupid, a large loose croc in a vehicle falls under the second.
Old 08-05-03, 01:40 PM   #30
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I re edited my post on this thread as I felt I was talking to a wall, bla bla is just about what a wall who’d understand.

Apparently queen of the jungle is offering the male for sell, as it turns out his not so tame any more!

All my recent posting about crocs before and after she came here was to make here see and understand these are not pets.

Somebody pleas hold me!!! Before I… Damn
(Steve banging head on wall sins last week)

Ps. I want to make this clear, my understanding with the first owner (before he sold to Penny) was he sell them back to me shod he sell them. Not respected

He took them outside neighbours made complaint leaving him no option but to sell,
Again Damn…
Herpetoculture isn’t an exact science!!
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