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Old 07-16-03, 07:26 PM   #1
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Question Bowl Training?

How would I go about "bowl training" my leos? Right now, I use jar lids for bowls, but mealworms always escape. I have tried to use a bowl with taller sides, but then my leos don't eat.
Is there a special trick to this or will they eventually find the worms on their own?
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Old 07-16-03, 07:43 PM   #2
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Hmm.. I am not a leo expert, but maybe you could put a stone next to the bowl so that your leos can climb onto it? Or if you use sand as a substrate, partially bury the bowl in the sand, so it appears low to the leo.

Hope this helps...
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Old 07-16-03, 07:44 PM   #3
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I found that the bowl I was using was too high. So I went down to the dollar store and bought some containers that are higher then jarlids but yet shorter then a bowl. The mealies don't climb out unless I put a lot in there.
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Old 07-16-03, 07:45 PM   #4
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Oh ya another way is you could put only like 2 or 3 in it and tilt it a little bit so they can see them. Once they realize that there's food in there start putting it up right with more mealies.
1.1 crested gecko ( cresty and sticky!)
0.0.1 crested baby
0.0.1 Mali Uro (Spike)
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Old 07-16-03, 08:30 PM   #5
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Uhm, if I am introducing new furniture I usually clean the cage first, then re-arrange the hides, dishes, etc. This usually prompts the geckos to explore their 'new' territory. Why not have a snack why you're up and looking around? =) This technique always worked for me and my geckos (who were bowl-shy). Good luck!
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Old 07-16-03, 11:11 PM   #6
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I use the terra cotta saucers that are meant for planters. They are glazed and the sides are a little higher than lids, so the mealies can't climb out. But it's still low enough for the leo's to see. As long as u don't put too many mealies in at one time, they don't get out. I can usually put up to 18 mealies in the smallest size terra cotta saucers. Besides, I like the look of these saucers.
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Old 07-17-03, 12:39 PM   #7
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Petco has some pretty decently sized bowls. The sides are a bit high but even my babies aren't having any problems eating out of them. Two of my leos just plain wont eat out of a dish though.
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Old 07-17-03, 12:47 PM   #8
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I'm very partial to edwins idea of burying a deeper bowl in substrate. Genius! =P
The path is the goal.
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Old 07-17-03, 12:52 PM   #9
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Yes but are these leos babies?? If so they shouldnt be on anything besides newspaper or paper towels. YOu can try a lower bowl from petco, or like someone mentioned up a rock that they can use
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