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Old 07-15-03, 11:31 PM   #16
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I know that, I am not saying anything againsy GenerAsain or PCPC. And the breeder if not any of these 2 has the right to stay private. But when you ask a question and get an answer not from a certain source, its like LILCREEP said why they say it that way. I mean most people do not know of GenerAsian, so why answer something that way if the question was who breed them, not who didn' t?

Get my point, its fishy but it does not matter to me either way I am happy with my 2 pairs. I keep my animals private and there source breeder/supplier/location as well. Unless the breeder/supplier/location wishes me to promote him/her.

Even when I sell an animal I give all information I have on that animal to the next owner from total history I obtained, feeds, sheds and any study I made on that animal.

I think and hope people who buy animals off me appreciate the care I put and record keeping I do on the animals.

Peace out no harm


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Old 07-16-03, 08:43 AM   #17
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i agree with lilcreep when buying a albino you should know who breed them if not thats why people are having problems with cross breeding also they should know everyone who brings in cb so you know the real bloodline take care.nice post lilcreep
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Old 07-16-03, 08:50 AM   #18
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nuno sorry to speak up but you got a pair right you know about those albino's i feel if you bought them from pcpc like other people did they should know the same thing you do.
to tell you the truth i never bought my male because they would not tell me who breed them so they missed a sell there have a great day.
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Old 07-16-03, 12:21 PM   #19
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I think The buyer should know where the snake came from..
Its like selling a chocolate bar .... n not saying whats its made of...

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Old 07-16-03, 12:35 PM   #20
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Originally posted by boa
i agree with lilcreep when buying a albino you should know who breed them if not thats why people are having problems with cross breeding also they should know everyone who brings in cb so you know the real bloodline.
Shawn, you must not have read the posts, the boas were said to not be "Genderasian" so that people who already bought from them would know the snakes weren't related. You didn't buy a male cause you said you had nine albinos come into you hands and alredy had a male. The blood line of the boas are Kahl line, I'm sure that the staff would gladly tell you that info. Due to privacy issues I think that the breeders deserve to have their names kept private. Shawn, you bought from Genderasian so what bloodline are they?

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Old 07-16-03, 12:58 PM   #21
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peter kahl line nuno.
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Old 07-16-03, 08:48 PM   #22
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the boas were said to not be "Genderasian"
Ha ha, I didn't know asian was a gender?


All albinos in Canada (for sale) are going to be Kahl (original) Line for sure. But I agree with LILCREEP. If I'm gonna spend $3 Large on a pair of snakes, I want to know the history. Albino Boas are EVERYWHERE and the competition is fierce. Why would I buy one from someone who couldn't tell me the history, when 5 other people can sell me theirs that they ACTUALLY bred? I'm not into risky deals and I make sure I know where an animal is from. I could understand if it was a Boelen's or a Blackhead or even a cool dwarf monitor. These things aren't readily available so the sellers can afford to withold important info normally given with a sale. But albino boas ARE readily available from multiple sources. So most people will choose a seller that has the info to back up the sale.

Not saying that PCPC is wrong. Its their animals and they can do what they want with them. They will still all sell. For sure. But I agree with LILCREEP. I'm cheap. That's too much money to buy something without that kind of info.
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Old 07-16-03, 08:57 PM   #23
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How many different lines are there?
or is there too many to list.

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Old 07-16-03, 09:05 PM   #24
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Kahl (original and from Pete Kahl) and Sharp (from Brian Sharp).
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Old 07-16-03, 09:10 PM   #25
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So everything is "Inbread" i guess and that would explain the messed up eyes

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Last edited by asphyxia; 07-17-03 at 01:21 PM..
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Old 07-16-03, 09:23 PM   #26
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i belive thats why they always have problems with missing eyes and stuff like that correct me if i am wrong.
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Old 07-16-03, 09:37 PM   #27
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So everything is "Inbread" i guess and that would explain the messed up eyes
Heh heh Brian, boas have nothing to do with baked goods.

The one-eyed thing is a whole other ball of wax, that I don't believe is due to inbreeding.
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Old 07-16-03, 09:47 PM   #28
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i seen a guy breed albinos and most of his albino were missing eyes so i do belive that it is from inbreeding i can see maybe 1 being without eyes but almost a whole littre does not sound proper to me.
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Old 07-16-03, 10:01 PM   #29
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the sharp strain are so beautiful, but a load more expensive and harder to get
In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king
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Old 07-16-03, 10:06 PM   #30
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The inbreeding thing all depends on the ethics of the breeder. If a person buys a sibling pair of albinos from a breeder who produced them from a sibling pair and so on then yes I would believe alot of these problems are from inbreeding.

There are also alot of very gentically strong albinos out their that have been outcrossed to unrelated animals for generations and are no more inbred than any common boa out there.

This is why knowing the source is so important to future breeders as it allows them to choose additional animals which would be the MOST unrelated to the stock they already own.

I have 4.5 albino boas in my collection and have gone to extreme lengths to find and research the sources from where they came. The 9 animals come from 6 different sources I also have a large group of unrelated 100% hets and double hets that I intend to use to further diversify their bloodlines and hopefully produce healthy animals.

Many of the NORMAL colored boas out there are also badly inbred. How many times do you see people buying sibling pairs at reptile shows so they can breed them in the future. I have also noticed in certain areas(cities) many of the boas have very similar appearances. This is due to the fact that not all that many people breed their animals successfully but a few individuals do it year after year and sell babies. These animals circulate around and even though they may be 2 years seperating them they came from the same pair of animals only different litters. This is still inbreeding!! Many normal animals are also born with defects but what happens is that they are only worth $100 so the deformed or sickly ones are usually humanely put down but when you have a $1500 animal and you have a gimp in the bunch well then he goes for $600. These sickly or deformed animals should not be used for futre breeding as it will only cause additional problems.

I strongly beleive we should try to avoid inbreeding if possible as it only causes problems down the road. When you inbreed you are basically lining up genes that you consider favourable, ie color or pattern. You want to reproduce these traits in the next generation what you are also doing is lining up all the unfavourable genes ie no eyes, kinked spines what have you and inadvertantly producing those unfavourable traits as well.

It may take longer when you outcross but you will end up with healthier and more gentically sound offspring.

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