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Old 06-04-03, 10:22 AM   #16
Colonel SB
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West nile has also been found to affect crocdillians, the amaerican alligator mostly. I have a pond but it's just a summer vacation for my FSS's so they can get outside in the nicer weater.
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Old 06-04-03, 10:24 AM   #17
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I love ponds and have 2 of them.
the first is just a 300gal in the front yard that i keep comets in, and if I catch any small native fish
the second in a 1100 gal in the back yard which i started on 2 years ago.
here are some pics:
Even a broken clock tells the right time at least twice a day
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Old 06-04-03, 02:46 PM   #18
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ooh sweet homebrewed
are those butterfly koi i see? i really want some but i cant find any!! god damn! im jealous wany me wanty!
ours is roughly 1000 gallons probably more..
my dad is thinking of bulding a huge pond on our top lawn, (less mowing to do!) but to be honest i think were just dreaming.
last time we dug the hole.....huuuuuuuuuge hole, it was like a crater!! it sat there (bieng a hole) for roughly 18 months!! then we filled it in and forgot about it! id love a natural looking one..... bummer!
colonel sb: whats a FSS's when its at home??
oh yes! i may be wierd... but this wierdo comes with new, improved Live Journal action!
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Old 06-04-03, 11:51 PM   #19
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yup those are butterflies. I've got 5 of them, just picked up an amazing one that should turn out to be quite awsome, its a metalic gold
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Old 06-05-03, 09:43 AM   #20
Colonel SB
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Rach a FSS is a Florida Soft Shell Turtle sorry bout that.
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Old 06-07-03, 09:54 AM   #21
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oooohhhhh, Crusty !! You should see what happened in my ponds during the floods this year. I'm so scared to let my turtles back out until my neighbors get their fences back up. They have an ostrich farm & sadly without their fences the ostriches keep burying their heads in the sand around my ponds. I'm afraid they'll eat my poor turts the first time they burrow as the ostriches may now see the sand as being theirs.
Oh for the days of the raccoons..........
HOW TO .....
grow snakes in Nova Scotia
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Old 06-09-03, 11:55 PM   #22
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aaahhh,Darlene!! I'm truly sorry to hear about your devasting floods. You best get out there and help the farmer rebuild his fences and save your turts from those overgrown, land lovin sea gulls!! heh? how many turtles do you have? do you keep them in your pond? don't they run (well I know they don't run) but take off on you? what kind? where did you get them? What about the raccons?
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Old 06-21-03, 08:36 PM   #23
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ooooh Crusty don't you know ? My turts can take those coons !! Their fence was washed away , too. It keeps them from wobbling away. They are 2 RES I rescued a few years back. They'll have some company later this summer when I get set up at our new place (been off-line a bit while we moved). They haven't spent all year out yet but will when I get my pond deep enough. I'm further in the country now tho & am wondering ....... how do you think they'll do agains't the bears ?

Ciao babay , Dar
HOW TO .....
grow snakes in Nova Scotia
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Old 06-23-03, 12:00 AM   #24
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Well I sure hope you moved to higher ground Darlene to avoid those nasty floods. You still in Newfie Scotia LMAO...Just kidding it's the nicest place in CANADA, my mom was born there. Are you on the island or the mainland? Anyways about those pesky BEARS (yikes), that's a tough call. I would have to assume that if your turts can survive an attack from a witty gang of coons, that they can most indeed outwit a dumb@ss bear. But for re-assurance purposes you may want to try leaving the bears a little treat! Like say, bake up some peanut butter cookies for them with plenty of fine grade ex-lax.......are you getting the picture!! It'll send them running to the forests for relief thus leaving your turts unharmed. However & don't say I did'nt warn, you may end up with a bear crap problem

later Crust
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Old 06-23-03, 11:32 AM   #25
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i had a raccoon problem,
then one night i heard something out my window so i got on my boots and jacket grabbed my hockey stick and went out to my pond to bravley save my babies
i was walking by , noticed a big gray shape that hadnt been there earlier so i nicely poked it with the end of the hockey stick and it made a kind of hissing sound,and tried to bite me so i whacked it with the hockey stick (and i still feel bad about it but it WAS self defence) it ran tearing off and ran in midair for a second, directly into the middle of the pond bounced out and ran in to my neighbors yard this all happened at 12 o'clock at night
did you know raccoons are really big and vicious??? apparently i didnt other wise i wouldne have gone after one with a hockey stick , i would have shot it from my window with my pellet gun ( just kidding dont get mad id never shoot an animal, people on the other hand........)
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Old 06-23-03, 09:33 PM   #26
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HUMMMMMM!!!! A hockey stick, very creative, you must be Canadian. Throw the stick away coons have diseases
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Old 06-24-03, 08:09 AM   #27
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My parents have a good size pond in their backyard. Started out with 4 koi, went into last winter with about 16, but only 4 made it through the winter. The ones that died were between 3-5 years, and last winter was REALLY cold. Colder than normal. The plants in the pond are doing alot better now though!
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