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Old 06-03-03, 12:53 PM   #1
wyz's Avatar
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How long have you had them ?

Hey hey, another question...

In many care sheets, they say that Chameleon live from 5 to 7 years.

I really want to test this data..

But having mine for only a year now I'm pretty far of from prooving them wrong...

Who here as had a Chameleon for more then 3 years ?
How long have you had them for ?
What specie ?
WC or CB ?

And for the others, have you ever had a Chameleon die while you kept him.... at what age ?.... Wild Caught or captive ?

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Old 06-03-03, 03:25 PM   #2
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Hello again WYZ!

Everything that I've ever read on chameleons tells me the average lifespan is 5-7 years. Obviously some of the bigger species live a bit longer, but that's a good average. I am finding, through discussions on some of the other chameleon lists I belong to, that chams are beginning to live a bit longer in capitivity. Conditions are better, unlimited food, no predators etc. They will naturally live a bit longer than their wild counterparts.

I haven't been keeping chameleons for all that long, my oldest chameleon at this point is Calypso, a CB Nosy Be Panther. He's about 3.5 years old and doing great. Totally friendy! Wants nothing more than to sit on my shoulder all day. Unfortunately I've tried numerous females with him, and he shows no interest in mating! GRRR! It will be a sad day when he finally dies.

I've had numerous chameleons die on me. I lost my absolute favorite chameleon a few weeks ago, he was a Veiled and almost 4 years old. A lot of my current collection are rescued chameleons and come to me with terrible health problems, or near death. They are prompty taken to the vet and nursed back to health to the best of my abilities. Most of them make it, which is nice, but given the conditions they were in before they were dumped on me, they will not live out to their potential lifespans. Sad really. I can only make them comfortable and happy for their remaining time here. The fellow that recently died, he was one of these rescues.

Good luck in proving the caresheets wrong! Your Veiled looks marvelous! Keep up the good work with him.

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