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Old 05-06-03, 06:55 AM   #1
Join Date: May-2003
Location: MONTREAL
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Canadian Tortoise Association

Anybody interested in joining up and starting a National Tortoise Association?
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Old 05-06-03, 07:37 AM   #2
Scales Zoo
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Great idea Andrew! It would be helpful to know the origins and lineage of tortoises, especially since they live so long and can have multiple keepers in their lifetime
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Old 05-07-03, 09:14 AM   #3
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The following are suggestions of how the organization might be structured and what its mission would be.

We can discuss the organization further by creating a mailing list with people interested in joining.


Canadian Tortoise Association??


Should the future association expand its scope of to include turtles?


1. Organize people who are interested in tortoises in Canada.

2. Education.

3. Create a Canadian Website for tortoises that contains care sheets, breeders, tortoise news, stories etc.

4. Create a journal

5. Promote captive breeding of tortoises

6. Promote preservation of wild tortoises species by various means.

7. Create a list of breeders.

8. Have national and regional shows and expositions (if feasible)



1. The association would be a non-profit corporation and would need a board of directors

2. The minimum amount of members would be 20 to start of the association

3. Members and Directors meeting would take place over the net

4. Membership dues would be necessary to pay costs.


1. Discussions or other communications shall be done in a manner that promotes the goals of the organization and with mutual respect.

2. Rules regarding membership dues.


Please confirm if you are interested in joining the mailing list.


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Old 05-07-03, 02:24 PM   #4
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That sounds good Andrew. I think it would be a very good idea. I like the mission. There is not enough organization for turtle/tortoise owners/lovers in this country. I would support the association.

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Old 05-07-03, 02:32 PM   #5
Tim and Julie B
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I think it is a great idea. I would sign up. But it sould inclued turtles as well since most people have both.
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Old 05-12-03, 09:27 AM   #6
Join Date: Apr-2003
Location: Peterborough, Ontario
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That is a great Idea, I would so join. Yeah it should include both turtles and tortoises.
Let me know if this gets started, because I would be willing to pay to help out on turtles ans tortoises in canada.
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