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Old 04-30-03, 02:28 PM   #1
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Game Warden Drags Gator Behind Truck, Kills It


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Game Warden Drags Gator Behind Truck, Kills It
Residents Angry Over Gator's Death

KATY, Texas -- Some Houston-area residents said they were upset Monday at the way a Texas Parks & Wildlife Department game warden got rid of 9-foot alligator in their neighborhood.

Residents told Houston's KPRC-TV that they called authorities after discovering the gator Thursday in the middle of a road in a Cinco Ranch neighborhood in Katy, Texas.

Witnesses recorded the gator's capture on videotape, in which the game warden was seen tying the animal to the back of his pickup, and then dragging it down the street while children and parents watched.

"It was very inhumane," resident Lara Mercadante said. "It was awful. It was absolutely unreal. If you weren't here you would not believe that it happened. We never thought that it was going to end up the way it did."

The game warden then took the alligator to the end of the street, and shot and killed it, authorities said.

"We at Texas Parks & Wildlife Department were disturbed as many other people were when they saw this video, as many other people were when they saw this video," TPWD Col. Jim Stinebaugh. "We sincerely regret that citizens were upset by seeing this happen."

TPWD officials said that although it is not typical practice for their officers to tow a live alligator behind a truck, they believe that the game warden followed what he felt was the most effective course of action.

"(The game warden) decided that the alligator was too big for him to catch and relocate and would have to be killed," Stinebaugh said. "It seemed appropriate to him that he would have to move the alligator, because it was not possible to shoot the alligator where it was."

However, officials said that as of a result of the incident, they are now reviewing their policies regarding nuisance alligator removal.
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Old 04-30-03, 02:35 PM   #2
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Twat! He could have shot it first if he was going to kill it anyway. If he was able to tie it up to tow it he could have shot it. I don't see why they have to kill these animals anyway... why not just relocate?
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Old 04-30-03, 02:39 PM   #3
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i think the guy that did it should be dragged behind a truck then shot too. what a ******
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Old 04-30-03, 02:41 PM   #4
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That's horrible! And if he was able to tie it up couldnt he have tied it up and then called for back-up so they could relocate the alligator, i hope that guy gets fired!
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Old 04-30-03, 02:43 PM   #5
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What a Jerk
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Old 04-30-03, 02:43 PM   #6
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Originally posted by BAZ
Twat! He could have shot it first if he was going to kill it anyway. If he was able to tie it up to tow it he could have shot it. I don't see why they have to kill these animals anyway... why not just relocate?
I think that's whats coming under review. He may not have been able to kill the aligator with out moving it due to bystanders. Basicly the entire incident sounds like poor judgement on the wardens behalf. Personally I think he should have called for back up.
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Old 04-30-03, 03:13 PM   #7
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Why did he have to kill it at all? Why not just give it to some zoo, or relocate it? Boy, if Steve Irwin saw that.... heh
Old 04-30-03, 03:48 PM   #8
Tim and Julie B
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If I was there I probably would have been charged with assult because I would have gone after the guy. There is no reason for that kind of idiot to be working with any kind of amimals! He should be fired but probably wont. We are reviewing our methods of nuisance gator removal. PR bull. That's what that means. They will do nothing but give the guy a slap on the wrist. If they got a call about a gator what did they expect to find? A 2 or 3 footer? Maybe more then one person should have been sent there in the first place.
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Old 04-30-03, 04:27 PM   #9
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It just goes to show you how texas feels about their fauna and flora. If it's going to be a bother they burn it or shoot it
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Old 04-30-03, 04:44 PM   #10
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If I were there I would have taken a gun a shot the b*st*rd!!!! Piece of sh*t! People like that make me so mad grrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I freaked out when I watched the video!! Poor gator
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Old 04-30-03, 05:12 PM   #11
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If he could tie it he could load it and re locate he was just lazy person that had nothing better to do.
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Old 04-30-03, 05:39 PM   #12
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What an ***...It's unbelievable that someone can put an animal through that, whether it's a cute little dog or an agressive alligator. That is one of the most inhumane things I've ever seen and I can't believe that TPWD officials didn't make a big deal out of it. I think that man should be charged with animal abuse...BIG TIME!
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Old 05-01-03, 07:12 PM   #13
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id like to tie his *** to the back of my truck and drag him around,but i wouldnt shoot him,id just beat him till...till I felt it was enough and beleive me that would be quite a beatin
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Old 05-01-03, 07:17 PM   #14
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i agree with het for human they should have treated the guy who pulled the aligator behind hid truck the same way he treated the gator
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