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Old 04-23-03, 03:52 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar-2003
Posts: 110

When two boa's ssp mate, and the male is a big one (2.5 meter) and very nice coloured and nice pattern, and the mother is smaller (1.5 meter), less nice pattern is there anything to say about the babies they'll make?

Will they become more like the father or mother, or is that just having (bad) luck and nothing to say about?
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Old 04-23-03, 09:00 AM   #2
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And, because the dad is quite big, will the baby males be big too or can the female babies become just as big?

main question: are these factors inherit, and inherit to any of the babies or is there a difference between male and female?
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Old 04-24-03, 10:54 PM   #3
Bryce Masuk
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Its impossable to tell what genes will be with the males semen and the females egg to find out to will need to breed them and the next batch of babies WILL be different so sorry no you cant tell
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Old 04-24-03, 10:57 PM   #4
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I agree with Bryce who know's
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Old 05-09-03, 02:38 AM   #5
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Well I got a female of the couple now (probably female) so we'll see how she does

She's 87 grams and 49 cm (19 Inch) now and 26 days old
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Old 05-22-03, 05:07 PM   #6
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Breeding Boa's

I asked this question of a couple boa breeders in the States and they both replied , they prefer using smaller males to a larger female this results in more active breeding by the male less problems for the female and larger clutches if kept at the right temps. Most females have lower amounts of slugs if kepta little warmer during the pregnancy.
I ve never bred boas to date ,, just interested in a positive outcome.
here's a pic of the parents of one of my boa's that are owned by a MR C. English in the states,, ps the males the smaller one.

There are nice looking boa's in the states I just don't know how to get them in Canada thru customs. .

here's the owner of the parents he has some awsome boa's I own one BCI and two hog island boa's that are the product of his breeding projects.

Last edited by djnzlab; 05-22-03 at 05:11 PM..
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