I recently upgraded the temp gauge and hygrometer to an electronic device. for the longest time with my old non electronic gauge it read the temp at 70f and 50%. When I installed the electronic ones they red humidity at 25% and 33% and the temperature in the hot end at 21-22 degrees c.
For temperatures that i took with a laser thermometer gun they all consistently read about 15 degrees less than the the recommended temp range according to this.
As for humidity I misted and accidentally over misted so I am gonna let it dry out a bit. for bedding I have aspen shavings and possibly plan on mixing in some cypress and possibly some moss to retain humidity after the 48hrs since they were just fed.
I have not seen much of an issue with them at all just a small piece of stuck shed I soaked Red to get off. my concern is will the consistant 15 degrees f lower be an issue? Also will mixing cypress and some moss help retain moisture in the future?