Re: Hog Island Boa wont eat? help :(
I wouldn't ever recommend force feeding unless your snake was literally on the verge of death. I don't think that is what's happening here. I recommend you get a scale so you can monitor his weight, just to make sure. You can also try different prey items, maybe he wants to try rats or mice, even chicks, just try a variety. How old is your boa as well? Sometimes once they get older, they go off feed for a little while during the cooler months. Kind of like ball pythons. The easiest way to see if they are actually loosing weight is like I said, with a scale. Fairly accurate ones can be purchased on Amazon. If all else fails, you can try assist feeding first. There are plenty of good videos showing how to assist feed, but if you need help, I would be happy to answer any questions. (I can't imagine your snake is to big, if the vet is recommending force feeding).
I am no expert. I’m just knowledgeable in reptiles, I’ll do my best to help you.
“The Only Difference Between Fear and Respect is Knowledge”(Daniel Jensen).