C. ornate seems like she's dying
So, I've had an argentine horned frog for about 3 months from a pet store (I know, bad idea - but I was in a depression and she spoke to me, I call her my depression frog )
She only will respond to crickets - we also have dubia roaches and a variety of worms and she will not take anything else in her cage, from tongs, or in a feeding tub. Lately (last week or so) she seems lethargic and like she's thinning. She's never been a GREAT feeder but she now only goes after crickets when they are right in front of her face and she almost always misses. We also have been taking their legs off so they can't escape her. I don't know, somethings not right. Humidity is high, temperature is 85 or higher on the warm end (side panel heat pad) and theres a gradient so I'm not sure whats up. Thoughts?
Thanks in advance!
0.1 ball python; 0.1 cornsnake; 0.1 kenyan sand boa; 0.1 MBK; 0.1 burmese python; 1.0 western hognose