Re: Switching mouse size?
Two years old and only 110 gm? Ack.
I have a three-year old Honduran female; I just weighed her at 461 gm.
She eats two adult mice at about 20-26 grams each per week. I don't try jumbo mice with her, as they would be too big, but she happily takes the two skinnier ones. If I give her more--which she would happily take--she starts getting obese, so I try to stay somewhere between 45-55 grams total each week with her.
I have 40 and 47-gram juvies that eat 3 hoppers per meal for a total of 18 gms (I have too many hoppers to not finish feeding them!), so you should definitely be able to go up to weanlings, at least. Just keep the diameter of the meal about 1.25-1.5 max the diameter of your snake.
Good luck!
"Always carry a large flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake." W. C. Fields
Last edited by Chu'Wuti; 03-25-13 at 05:27 PM..
Reason: added weight info