Originally Posted by medicinhed
Saw one at a herp store. Nice big eyes and pretty active. Anyone know much about them first hand? I've heard they are messy and smelly and a bit aggressive. I wanted to add one or two colubrids to the collections.
Thinking about:
Mexican Black King
Durango Mountain King
California King morph
Fire Bulls
My bulls are a joy to keep. They do make big poops but if kept on aspen it is easy to spot clean the poops. When they are babies sometimes they are hissy but will become mellow adults with gentle handling. The do have a robust feeding response, so I recommend you train them to feed in a separate container instead of just dropping the food in their cage. Also they get big and are an active snake so a cage at least four feet long is minimum, bigger is better.
I can't seem to post an image here so if you Google Greatballzofire bull snakes you will see my bulls.