Re: Burm refusing to eat..
I wouldn't be too worried since this is the first meal he's skipped. As long as nothing has changed in the enclosure, I would just try again next week. Sometimes snakes just don't feel like eating. My baby albino retic stopped eating in the middle of December and it just started eating again last week. I still have no idea why she stopped but as long as you don't start seeing a drop in weight, I wouldn't be too worried
1.0 '08 sunfire retic, 0.1 '12 lavender albino tiger retic, 1.0 '12 platinum retic, 0.1 '14 goldenchild het albino retic, 1.0 '16 anthrax retic, 0.1 '16 graniteback het anthrax retic, 0.1 '16 normal HOGS retic, 1.1 amel atrox, 0.0.1 Nile monitor, 0.0.1 blue tailed monitor, 0.0.1 Mexican beaded lizard