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Old 12-30-12, 01:44 PM   #1
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Question Nile monitor question

I was going to pick up a Nile monitor from a friend of mine. When I got there there was this nice healthy 3-4 foot Nile monitor. He was really calm and loved to be held but when I asked how old he was my friend said he was 3 years old. I've kept niles in the past and they have all gotten 6+ feet in 3 years. But my question is what could have gone wrong? Should I even get him or should I keep looking?
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Old 12-30-12, 02:01 PM   #2
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Re: Nile monitor question

Chances are, improper husbandry. Not having enough heat will do that, and it would explain him being so calm.
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Old 12-30-12, 02:05 PM   #3
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Re: Nile monitor question

Originally Posted by Pirarucu View Post
Chances are, improper husbandry. Not having enough heat will do that, and it would explain him being so calm.
He has him in a 90 gallon tank. Which is way too small. As far as heating goes he did have a heat lamp on him but I'm not sure how hot his basking temps where. Should I just pass and try and find another Nile or should I get this one like I was planing on?
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Old 12-30-12, 02:07 PM   #4
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Re: Nile monitor question

Yep, no room to move, a glass tank, and more than likely insufficient basking temps will certainly stunt growth. I'd move on and get a baby to raise yourself, that way you can know it's been cared for properly. That's just what I'd do though, it's your choice.
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Old 12-30-12, 02:20 PM   #5
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Re: Nile monitor question

Originally Posted by Pirarucu View Post
Yep, no room to move, a glass tank, and more than likely insufficient basking temps will certainly stunt growth. I'd move on and get a baby to raise yourself, that way you can know it's been cared for properly. That's just what I'd do though, it's your choice.
Okay thank you. I will do just that.
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Old 12-30-12, 02:45 PM   #6
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Re: Nile monitor question

Originally Posted by Metalhead7232 View Post
Okay thank you. I will do just that.
If you're not going to take it, I'd suggest telling your friend how he needs to change his husbandry. If it's left there, it's going to just suffer until it finally dies. At least you could tell him how wrong everything he's doing is.

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Old 12-30-12, 04:58 PM   #7
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Re: Nile monitor question

I brought it up to him. He says he didn't realize it because the pet store told him a different story. He agreed to build him a new enclosure and properly take care of him. The temps on his basking spot read 100 and 80 on the cool end. I told him his temps need to be at 140 for a basking spot and 88 for the rest of the cage. I also told him to stay with whole food items and avoid chicken and all that junk. Also I told him to use soil for substrate And too keep humidity at 60%
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Old 12-30-12, 05:03 PM   #8
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Re: Nile monitor question

Originally Posted by Metalhead7232 View Post
I brought it up to him. He says he didn't realize it because the pet store told him a different story. He agreed to build him a new enclosure and properly take care of him. The temps on his basking spot read 100 and 80 on the cool end. I told him his temps need to be at 140 for a basking spot and 88 for the rest of the cage. I also told him to stay with whole food items and avoid chicken and all that junk. Also I told him to use soil for substrate And too keep humidity at 60%
That's good that he agreed to change things. I hope he does it. It definitely sounds like a very unhealthy monitor, but many of us fall victim to bad pet store info at least once until we learn. Maybe give him a link or something so he has it on hand as a reference?

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Old 12-30-12, 05:05 PM   #9
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Re: Nile monitor question

Originally Posted by EmbraceCalamity View Post
That's good that he agreed to change things. I hope he does it. It definitely sounds like a very unhealthy monitor, but many of us fall victim to bad pet store info at least once until we learn. Maybe give him a link or something so he has it on hand as a reference?

I told him if he had any questions to contact me or this guy named Brian (he is very experienced with large monitors and can tell you all you need to know) I was just wondering but do you think he would ever get to be full size (6-7 foot)
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Old 12-30-12, 05:26 PM   #10
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Re: Nile monitor question

Originally Posted by Metalhead7232 View Post
I told him if he had any questions to contact me or this guy named Brian (he is very experienced with large monitors and can tell you all you need to know) I was just wondering but do you think he would ever get to be full size (6-7 foot)
Well I don't know much about monitors, but Wayne (infernalis) could tell you with certainty. But I do have experience with other animals with stunted growth, and I know they don't really ever reach full size, so I'd be inclined to say no, it probably wouldn't ever reach full size - though I'm sure it would grow if housed properly. Just might be a bit smaller than others. Like I said, though, Wayne would be able to tell you with certainty.

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Old 12-30-12, 05:53 PM   #11
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Re: Nile monitor question

It would grow if put in a proper environment, but probably not to full size. I can't be sure. Most monitors are never rescued from poor conditions, so there isn't a good group to base a guess off of.
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Old 12-31-12, 03:44 AM   #12
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Re: Nile monitor question

Are you sure it's a Nile, and not an Ornate Nile monitor. From all I've read their adult size is smaller (length wise) then the Nile monitor (4-6 feet when fully grown). People get the two confused all the time.
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Old 12-31-12, 08:50 AM   #13
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Re: Nile monitor question

I've heard the same quite a bit, and I have to say I do not yet believe it. Ornate certainly have a more stocky build to them, but I have never noticed a difference in length.
If there's any difference in length, it's probably a result of the care, not the animal. Perhaps Niles are more tolerant than Ornates and can withstand improper conditions for longer.
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Old 12-31-12, 09:11 AM   #14
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Re: Nile monitor question

Ornate vs. Nile Monitors
That discusses the difference between the two species, and there's no mention of length, only stockiness.

Though this mentions they can grow up to two meters (6.5 feet):
Varanus ornatus

While it says for niles that they average 150 cm (4.9 feet):
Varanus niloticus

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Old 12-31-12, 10:19 AM   #15
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Re: Nile monitor question

Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
Are you sure it's a Nile, and not an Ornate Nile monitor. From all I've read their adult size is smaller (length wise) then the Nile monitor (4-6 feet when fully grown). People get the two confused all the time.
It is a ornate and she's really stocky far as size I've seen both ornate and niles getting 6-7 foot but I've noticed Niles tend to be much slimmer.
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