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Old 01-23-03, 01:38 PM   #1
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Not eating

I just bought a ball python from the pet store and it's not eating I had it fo a couple of days.I tried a live rat and he go's for it but then it backs up.I was just woundering if anyone could help me
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Old 01-23-03, 02:07 PM   #2
dead bob
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The snake is probably just a little stressed over the move. This is very common. A good rule of thumb is to leave it alone for about two weeks before handling/feeding to allow them to settle in. Besides, its not uncommon for a balls to go off feed for a few months at a time. You should seriously consider taking him to a vet anyways just for a check up. This is just a good idea for any newly aquired animal.

And please, please do not feed live rodents to your snake. Use frozen/thawed or pre-killed for feeding. The risk to your snake, especially a naturally timid snake like a ball, is just too great. If he is reluctant to take the food item, just use a pair of tongs and wiggle it in front of him, works like a charm.
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Old 01-23-03, 02:46 PM   #3
Big Mike
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I agree. Leave your snake alone for a week at least so it can settle into it's new home. Try feeding dead or frozen/thawed mice/rats. It's much, much safer for your snake and cheaper for you if you buy in bulk.

There are lots of tips & tricks for getting a snake to eat a frozen/thawed prey item. Like Bob said, use tongs to wiggle it like it's alive. Leave it with the snake in an enclosed clean space for a while...even over night. If that does not work then there are lots of other tricks that people use and would be happy to share with you. Also make sure you are feeding the correct size of prey item. What's the enclosure set up & temps etc.? If the snake is not comfortable in it's environment it might not eat.

Don't worry about it right away. Healthy snakes can go for quite a while without eating. You should make sure it's healthy though. Do you know when they last fed it at the pet store? What kind of store did you get it from? Chain pet stores are notorious for selling wild caught and/or poorly kept snakes that might not be in good health to start with. If you are not sure of the health of the snake from the pet store, take it to a vet for a check up.

Good luck with him and keep up updated.
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Old 01-23-03, 07:00 PM   #4
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the snake has not ate since the 3rd of January,and one more thing it has this bump on it's back that's about the size of one scale would any of you know what it is
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Old 01-23-03, 07:03 PM   #5
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Is it a bump "stuck" to its back.. or just a lump on its back?
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Old 01-23-03, 07:10 PM   #6
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it's a lump, could it be a pairasight,if so how can I get rid of it without taking it to a vet
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Old 01-23-03, 07:26 PM   #7
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Im deffinetly not an expert, but would suggest you take it to a vet, or try to get in touch with corey woods, or Jeff favelle(sp) or Linds, or cranwill.... these people always show vast knowledge in all fields of snakes.

But the safest way is the vet IMHO.
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Old 01-23-03, 08:00 PM   #8
dead bob
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Originally posted by Bill17
the snake has not ate since the 3rd of January
Thats only three weeks. It can go months without eating and do just fine.

it's a lump, could it be a pairasight,if so how can I get rid of it without taking it to a vet
Since it's internal, IMO, you should not attempt to treat this on your own unless you have the experience. Take it to a vet that has herp experience and see what they say.
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Old 01-23-03, 08:50 PM   #9
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I looked at the lump up close and it looks like a damaged scale or something, can they get damaged scale and how much would it cost to take it to the vet and how much would it cost to get snakes sexed would I be able to get a hold of Corey Woods

Last edited by Bill17; 01-23-03 at 08:54 PM..
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Old 01-23-03, 08:55 PM   #10
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if it is on the OUTSIDE it maybe a tick .. ticks look like very big scales hehe
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Old 01-23-03, 10:07 PM   #11
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Pythonian would the tick be right under the scale or would i be able to see it without touching the bump, and the snake where the bump is the scales are the same size. how much would it cost to get him cheched out by a vet to make shure that nothing is wrong with him because he is farm ranch and I herd that they are more exposed to thing that can kill him and soon I post a pic of him I just have to get my film developed that might help to see the problem with the bump but the bump is small so I don't know

Last edited by Bill17; 01-23-03 at 10:23 PM..
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Old 01-23-03, 10:36 PM   #12
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The tick would look like it pushed the scale up and is hiding underneath. i mean ticks are pretty big.. (a scale and a half.. maybe even 2!)

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Old 01-24-03, 05:58 AM   #13
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it might be a tick then but I don't what to touch it in case it's something else but if it's a tick how do i get rid of it also can scale be bent backwords and not bend back to the spot it was before because when i got him he was moveing around like he was hungry but then when i was putting the hide box in he was slowly making a getaway then I EXADENTLY closed the lid on him and he shot back into the lid could that have made the bump
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Old 01-24-03, 08:04 AM   #14
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It might be.. i dunno. like is aid it's hard to know but if it is a tick .. please excuse the crude drawing it'd look like this:

/ = scale
the tick would just be underneath the scale and pushing it up. To remove a tick u would just need tweezers and pull it out. to make it easier try soaking that park of the snake under water for a while. Maybe the tick will drown?

ball pyhon 0.1.0
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Old 01-24-03, 09:08 AM   #15
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If it is a tick, dab a Q-tip with some form of alcohol (rubbing alcohol or even strong liquor) and dab it on the tick. This will release the tick's bite and let you remove it more easily. Just take a pair of tweezers and gently pull it out.
Keeper of 5 snakes, leopard geckos, 1 green iguana, 20+ tarantulas, 2 dogs & a bunch of rats!
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