On May. 21, my first attempt at breeding boas gave me 21 healthy little worms! 11 are gone to their new homes already... and these are a few that are left. Some are keepers. (OLD THREAD FROM ANOTHER FORUM... 3 weeks old)
Pairing was Motley 100%het Anery x Pastel Dream Hypo 100%het Anery (the female was a poss and proved out)
Here are some of the babies.
My pick of the litter. Hypo Motley 66%het Anery male
Second pick of the litter. Motley 66%het Anery female.
A male Normal 66%het Anery.... this guy might be staying here. I don't have a need for a male Normal, but he is fantastic looking.
Another keeper... Hypo Motley 66%het Anery female with a crazy tail stripe!
Yet another keeper... maybe a Hypo Motley 66%het Anery... it's insanely grey and the pink is starting to disappear. I've seen some pics of Ghost Motleys that have a lot of pink as babies, so I'm crossing my fingers!!
Female Anery Motley
Male Anery Motley.
Thanks for looking! : )