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Old 03-31-12, 10:33 PM   #1
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Someone made me sad today...

There is nothing worse than someone telling you you don't love your animals.

I am renting out a room in my house to a couple that love animals very much. They keep many pet rats, in fact, and due to the smell the rats produce I have told them they need to be out by August. I leased to them to help them out, they have nowhere else to go.

I believe I take good care of my snakes. I take them to the vet when something is off, I make sure they have the temperature gradients they need, I make sure they are shedding okay and maintaining a good weight.

But, the thing is, I am a minimalist when it comes to snake-keeping. I only keep the essentials in my snake enclosures. That is, the temperature and humidity equipment, hides, a water dish, and a substrate. I figure that snakes have the cognitive function of basically just a brain stem, and they don't know the difference between a milk carton and a pet store-purchased hide.

Yet because I don't furnish lots of fake plant decorations and the like, quite often I get accused of being a negligent keeper. The people I am renting the spare room out to basically tell me I don't care about my animals. The people admit that while I give my animals what they need, they keep saying that I don't give my snakes any mental stimulation.

They are mainly referring to my corn snakes, which I breed. The complaints are as follows: I use heat pads, not heat lamps. I use paper towel as a substrate, not aspen or anything. I feed f/t, not live. I use washed-out cartons and boxes as hides (I figure it's more sanitary to dispose of them and replace them than to wash a pet store hide over and over). And there are no fake plants or knicknacks in the enclosures.

My animals are healthy. And when they aren't healthy, they are taken to the vet (I recently dropped $200 in vet bills on a $30 corn snake without a second thought). I take good care of my animals.

I know they don't know better, they think because they have a single leopard gecko that they are experts in reptile care. But it still hurts when someone says something like that to you.

I don't know...I just figured I'd run this by you guys. I'm trying not to let any of this get to me, but its hard when you hear it over and over every time you sit down to dinner. I figure if anyone would listen to what I'm going through, I'd be the people on this forum. I could really use a hug right now. I'm recently out of a relationship and I live miles away from family, so a few kind words from people on this forum would go a long way
My scaly babies: Corns 1.2.0, Leos 1.2.0, Cresties 0.0.1
BCIs 1.1.0, Burm 1.0.0
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Old 03-31-12, 10:44 PM   #2
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

Obviously your tenants are a bit on the stupid side. Decorations are mostly for our benefit. The snake doesn't care if it's hiding under a piece of cardboard or a cave made of gold. Tell your tenants I said they should punch themselves in the face for me.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 03-31-12, 10:49 PM   #3
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

Well its a good thing your trying to not let it get to you. Next to that all you should do is tell them if they say one more thing about how you care for your animals that its your house and if they dont like the way you do things then GTFO <---- add in the smile as well it really gets people going its what I do when people are ****** drivers just give them a thumbs up and smile.
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Old 03-31-12, 11:04 PM   #4
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

i second korbin, so that's two punches in the face for them!

BTW your snakes sound fine. Honestly as long as they have enough room, they really don't care if it's a pipe, a cardboard box, or a 20 dollar cork round. They probably just want to be left alone anyway, if they're anything like my little brats!

Anyway, your pets don't stink. Mostly. So they need to stfu and clean out their rat cages.
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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Old 04-01-12, 05:43 AM   #5
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

Originally Posted by Rogue628 View Post
As long as you're meeting their requirements, feeding them regularly, and taking them to a vet when something seems wrong, you are taking good care of your animals. Just because they have a leopard gecko doesn't mean they know squat about snakes.

I used plastic tubs for "cages", newspaper for substrate, and boxes I get from work for hides. I absolutely LOVE using newspaper and boxes because the newspaper makes cleaning alot easier for me and I change out their hides when they're dirty. It definitely helps to keep them in a clean environment. Oh, I don't use heat bulbs either....I use belly heat. My animals are thriving in the environment I've made them.

If they've never kept snakes, they really have no right to judge another keeper. Your animals are doing well, so don't take anything they say to heart. Besides, they're moving soon so you won't have to listen to it after they move. Chalk it up to petty ignorance and let it go
Originally Posted by jaleely View Post
BTW your snakes sound fine. Honestly as long as they have enough room, they really don't care if it's a pipe, a cardboard box, or a 20 dollar cork round. They probably just want to be left alone anyway, if they're anything like my little brats!

Anyway, your pets don't stink. Mostly. So they need to stfu and clean out their rat cages.
^^^^This exactly^^^^

I feel for you on this one. Nobody should have to deal with obnoxious tenants who think they know what they are talking about. As a rat breeder I know how bad rats can smell and if they wont keep that smell down then they do need to go. Honestly, if there is a way to kick them out earlier than August, that is highly advised.

I guess I am lucky in that our roommate is the one who got us into the hobby to begin with and has been a big help in offering expert advice as far as our snakes are concerned. The problem is that when people think they are experts, when they are not, tell you things totally off the wall and then accuse you of not taking care of your animals when you dont take that advise. The evidence of their lack of care is in the smell their rats produce. They really do need to go.
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Old 03-31-12, 11:14 PM   #6
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

As long as you're meeting their requirements, feeding them regularly, and taking them to a vet when something seems wrong, you are taking good care of your animals. Just because they have a leopard gecko doesn't mean they know squat about snakes.

I used plastic tubs for "cages", newspaper for substrate, and boxes I get from work for hides. I absolutely LOVE using newspaper and boxes because the newspaper makes cleaning alot easier for me and I change out their hides when they're dirty. It definitely helps to keep them in a clean environment. Oh, I don't use heat bulbs either....I use belly heat. My animals are thriving in the environment I've made them.

If they've never kept snakes, they really have no right to judge another keeper. Your animals are doing well, so don't take anything they say to heart. Besides, they're moving soon so you won't have to listen to it after they move. Chalk it up to petty ignorance and let it go
0.1.1 '11 Normal Royal Pythons 0.2 '11 Albino Burms 0.2 Rescue Dumeril's Boas (approx 4yrs old) 0.1 '11 Colombian Boa (BCI) 0.1 '11 Cali King 0.1.0 JCP 0.1 '12 borneo 1.0 rose hair T 1.0 cat 1.1 Kids 1.0 Boyfriend
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Old 04-01-12, 02:26 AM   #7
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

Thanks's one thing to tell yourself something, but when you're upset it means the world to hear someone else's encouragement.
My scaly babies: Corns 1.2.0, Leos 1.2.0, Cresties 0.0.1
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Old 04-01-12, 02:32 AM   #8
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

if they're being rude to you, kick em to the curb. I have 0 tolerance for people like that.
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Old 04-01-12, 06:12 AM   #9
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

Screw them! You are doing fine job at taking care of your animals. Unlike them, if they keep their rat cages clean the smell wouldn't be that bad. I agree with what Korbin said. I use use plastic coffee can for hides and plastic flower pots that i get 3 for a dollar. Does that make me a bad keeper no. Some times less is more, plus the more unneeded stuff you have in their cage the more things you have to clean. I never had plastic plants or any of that junk in any of my cages. To me that only for the owners enjoyment not the animals. This people are idiots so don't worry about what they say.(no offense Korbin.) lol
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Old 04-01-12, 08:04 AM   #10
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

So they're getting kicked out because they don't clean their rat cages often enough (which probably means the poor rats are living in their own feces and urine), and yet you're not taking good care of your animals? You're doing Spaghetti. They're resentful and so they're projecting their emotions onto you.
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anatole France
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Old 04-01-12, 09:39 AM   #11
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

So a couple rat keepers are questioning your herp ability when they obviously can even keep their rats clean?? Listen to us reptile keepers not the "food" keepers. We might actualy know a thing or 2 about keeping reptiles and what your doing sounds just fine.
Reminds me of this guy....
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Old 04-01-12, 10:47 AM   #12
slainte mhath
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

the people are talking crap pal

a snake don't care if its,a shop bought,or home made hide its in.

as long as it's got a nice tight dark place to curl up in,then imo its content

i wouyld preffer tank decor that serves its function rather than stuff thats put in just to make it look nice for the HUMAN eye

i would dismiss anything these people say,as they don't have the first clue of what they're talking about

cheers shaun
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Old 04-02-12, 11:21 AM   #13
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

I wish I could kick them out before August, but the lease we drew up prevents me from doing so without cause...they have to be doing something illegal or harming the house or myself or my property in some way. Or, if they are late with a rent or utility payment. I suppose I could go the emotional distress route, but I don't know how that would hold up if they decided to challenge me in court.

The funny thing is, all I was trying to do was help them out, their credit was so bad they couldn't find anywhere else to live. And now I'm getting repaid by having someone berate me every time the subject of snakes comes up. I can't wait to have my house back to normal.
My scaly babies: Corns 1.2.0, Leos 1.2.0, Cresties 0.0.1
BCIs 1.1.0, Burm 1.0.0
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Old 04-02-12, 01:06 PM   #14
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

Originally Posted by Spaghetti View Post
I wish I could kick them out before August, but the lease we drew up prevents me from doing so without cause...they have to be doing something illegal or harming the house or myself or my property in some way. Or, if they are late with a rent or utility payment. I suppose I could go the emotional distress route, but I don't know how that would hold up if they decided to challenge me in court.

The funny thing is, all I was trying to do was help them out, their credit was so bad they couldn't find anywhere else to live. And now I'm getting repaid by having someone berate me every time the subject of snakes comes up. I can't wait to have my house back to normal.
it is awesome that your helping them out since they are in a bad spot.. that speaks HUGE to your charector. ...

however.. you are doing just fine with your snakes... like everyone said, as long as they have the miminum REQUIRMENTS, they are diong fine.. .heat, humidity, water, ect...

heck, look at me.. 12 of my snakes live in a 6qt tub, in a rack with aspen and water dish... (no hides since they are in rack) and they eat, poop, shed, and are healthy)

so just because you dont put al the decor in the cage does no way make you a bad owner!
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Old 04-02-12, 12:00 PM   #15
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Re: Someone made me sad today...

If your snakes are healthy, your temps are right, and you provide a water dish, and a hide on each end (hot & cool) those snakes are lucky to be in your hands imo.
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