Thanks for the compliments. The real hero is the breeder though.
She is about 3 1/2 months old, but I have no idea how long she is. I do know she's a bit longer that 15 inches, and if she ever stays put, I might just get an accurate measurement. She's the only volcano corn I have (and I've only got one other snake for now, an amel motley corn).
For a great looking snake, she was relatively cheap, can't recall exactly but it was around $40-45 CDN at the November PCPC show in Mississauga. Check with
Reptile Rainforest if you're interested in them, that's where she's from.
Somewhere down the road when I get enough snake experience I'll try breeding some, and from what I've seen and heard of adult volcanos, I'll probably start with her. I guess that means I'll have to break down and get a mate for her. Gee, imagine, getting another cornsnake, wow.... how strange

Reptile Rainforest