A heating pad for a 35 gal tank is usually 8" x 8" or 12" x 8" or even 12" x 12"...I think. Some of them have the recommended tank size right on the package.
What you need to do is create a temperature gradient. Put the heat pad under the tank on one end...this will be the warm end. You should have the heat pad controlled by a rheostat (dimmer) or a thermostat. You also need to know what the temperature is on the floor of the tank above the heat pad. It's also helpful to know the temp on the other end of the tank.
Position of the light depends on the temps in both the warm and cool sides. I like to have my light (with only a 40w regular bulb) in the middle of the enclosure and also on a timer for 12 hours. The warm end is always warm and just a little hotter during the day with both the UTH and partial heat from the lamp. The middle is just warm from the light during the day and the cool side is a little warm from partial heat during the day and cool at night. This way there is a nice temperature gradient and a night time temperature drop and a regular photo period.
As far as hides and furniture goes...you need a hide on the warm end at the least. One on the cool end is good too. More could be even better. The water can be anywhere but would be better off on the warm side.
It's important that you get a thermometer or two and that you know the temps and can control them.
Also think about the size that your boa will be in 6 months from now, a year from now...two years. That 35 gal tank will not be a good home for very long. Think about getting a bigger enclosure and then you can set it up and move him in there but make sure that he has a healthy enclosure until you get one set up.
Your set up sounds OK but he needs a hide spot on the warm side and should have heat 24/7 but light only 12 hours a day. So you should have a heat pad or a red night lamp during the night rather than a basking lamp. If the room is warm enough then you might not need extra heat at all but that's why you need to know the temps.
Sorry, that was so long...I hope I was able to help.
If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist, it's another nonconformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standard of nonconformity.
Last edited by Big Mike; 01-08-03 at 03:41 PM..