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Old 09-06-11, 01:06 PM   #1
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Some of you guys may have seen my noob post, but I figured I would come introduce myself to my fellow epicrates owners. About two weeks ago I placed my order with General Exotics for a young male BRB. He showed up last week when I wasn't home but my brother was. I had had the terrarium (or vivarium, a terrarium is a type of viv) set up for a few days making sure everything was working well. My brother opened the container he came in and let him crawl out of his own accord. That evening I bought a thermostat and modified it by doing this. programmable remote thermostat for terrarium heaters - Terrariums Forum - GardenWeb and that stabilized temps. I was having problems keeping the humidity up so I switched from a heat lamp to a UTH and that fixed that as well. Added a second hide for him and now we have the terrarium as it sits. You can see him (no name yet, but I'm down to a few finalists, more on that in a bit) in the back right corner.
He seems to love climbing which I really like and I'm hoping to foster that interest as its definitely entertaining to watch. Last night when I got home he was hanging from the vine that I've got stretched from one corner of the viv to the other getting a drink of water. When I took the top off to snap some pictures he looked up at me like "wtf mate" He really didn't like the flash so after I finished I put a blanket around the viv to make him feel more relaxed, and he went right back to whatever he was doing.

the "wtf mate" look

and the "I hate that super bright flashing light" look

after putting the top back on and covering the sides, he went right back to whatever he was doing.

He looks to be about 18 inches long, any guess on the age? General exotics (where I purchased him from due to lack of local breeder) doesn't keep track of age.

The first night I had him, I came home a little late to find him doing this.

He hasn't eaten yet, I was gonna feed him Sunday but when I went to do it he was asleep and gave me a "leave me alone I'm sleeping" look, so I let him be. I'm gonna try again tomorrow night when I've got the night off and he'll hopefully be out and about. Do you think it would be ok for me to leave the two pinkies (what I'm gonna start him on) on top of the left side hide. It seems to provide a solid, semi-level platform and a clean spot for him to eat away from the substrate.
As for names. I was thinking Nero (Italian for black, he seems a little darker than most other BRBs I've seen, and since I'm into cars and one of my favorites is the Lamborghini Gallardo Nera, also Italian for black, it seems fitting, and both of my cars are black as well). Severus was one that was suggested to me by a friend, and it is kind of catchy, then I could call him Severus Snake (silly Harry Potter reference) which seems to be a hit among a few of my friends, but I haven't pitched Nero to them either. However as the name thing is still undecided I'm open to suggestions.
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Old 09-06-11, 01:06 PM   #2
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Re: My new BRB

He's quite tame as well it seems, he's struck a few times, but mouth closed every time, and only when I've screwed up.

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Old 09-06-11, 01:43 PM   #3
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Re: My new BRB

Great looking brb, but if I were you I'd get rid of that gigantic hide and get him something MUCH smaller, he won't feel safe at all that exposed.
People who know everything are often clueless.
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Old 09-06-11, 02:38 PM   #4
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Re: My new BRB

What stephan said, ive got numerus hides that no longer fit my snakes. I suppose thats a good reason to add another snake haha
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 09-06-11, 03:30 PM   #5
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Re: My new BRB

sounds good, I drove a buddy to KC (a 2.75 hour trip that took 4 due to the missouri flooding) and he gave me a hundred bucks so that's what I'll use part of it on.

Any thoughts on using the smaller hide as a food tray?
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Old 09-06-11, 03:49 PM   #6
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Re: My new BRB

I do it with my corn as he gets shy lol..
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 09-06-11, 07:27 PM   #7
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Re: My new BRB

I agree, a smaller hide would serve well. Great looking little baby! Age is hard to guess, as it varies based on both size and feeding amount, but he looks to be at least a few months' old.
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Old 09-06-11, 07:45 PM   #8
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Re: My new BRB

He got some really nice red to him.
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Old 09-06-11, 07:52 PM   #9
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Re: My new BRB

Nice!!! Can't wait to get one myself!
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Old 09-06-11, 09:39 PM   #10
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Re: My new BRB

thanks everyone, I love his coloration, his belly has cool tint to it as well that the flash washes out. I need to get some day pictures but I feel he was handled to much during his first week here so I'm not gonna take him out till next Sunday to let him relax.
Kat, everyone says they're not for beginners, but I'm a first time snake owner (I've had lizards and turtles before) and I feel if you've got some intelligence and willingness to work to keep them happy, they're really not that hard. I spent about a month prior to purchasing him reading, and reading, and reading and had the viv set up in advance to make sure everything worked. I made a few changes once he showed up but other than that, he seems happy and healthy. I came home during my lunch break today and he was outside during the day, a first that I've seen. Also from what I've read my confidence around him helps too as I don't make any sudden movements and I don't shake when I'm holding him. Definitely not a snake for children, but an acceptable first snake for a responsible adult.
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Old 09-07-11, 02:03 PM   #11
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Re: My new BRB

I personal think they make a great first snake. One of the easiest snake to care for IMO. People think their hard to care for just because they have high humidity requirements. Keeping humidity up is easy. As long as you do your research i think they are very easy to care for and are just amazing looking snakes.
Boas: 1.0 Pastel, 2.2 Brazilian Rainbows Pythons: 0.1 Lesser Royal, The Carpets 2.0 Jungle, 1.0 Jungle x Jag, 0.1 Tiger Jag, 0.1 Coastal Cheers Chuck
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Old 09-07-11, 02:22 PM   #12
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Re: My new BRB

Originally Posted by marvelfreak View Post
I personal think they make a great first snake. One of the easiest snake to care for IMO. People think their hard to care for just because they have high humidity requirements. Keeping humidity up is easy. As long as you do your research i think they are very easy to care for and are just amazing looking snakes.
I agree with you there. My BRB is my first snake but I did months and months of research before I bought it. I think it all comes down to the individual person for what is a good starter snake.
Millertime: Nice looking BRB he's about the same size as my new girl who was born June of this year.
0.1 Brazilian Rainbow Boa, 1.1 Pastel BP, 1.0 Spider BP, 1.0 Cinnamon BP, 0.0.1 Green Iguana, 0.0.1 Bearded Dragon
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Old 09-07-11, 02:26 PM   #13
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Re: My new BRB

Originally Posted by millertime89 View Post
they're really not that hard. I spent about a month prior to purchasing him reading, and reading, and reading and had the viv set up in advance to make sure everything worked.
Originally Posted by marvelfreak View Post
As long as you do your research i think they are very easy to care for and are just amazing looking snakes.
Originally Posted by Nismo89 View Post
My BRB is my first snake but I did months and months of research before I bought it.
And this is what separates you three fine keepers from the impulse buyers, who are the people that have issues and then say bad things. Kudos to all of you!
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Old 10-24-11, 05:40 AM   #14
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Re: My new BRB

Originally Posted by Snakesitter View Post
And this is what separates you three fine keepers from the impulse buyers, who are the people that have issues and then say bad things. Kudos to all of you!
Oh man, don't get me going on people that buy live animals as impulse buys (shakes fist) lol.
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Old 09-07-11, 07:53 PM   #15
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Re: My new BRB

I agree!! I researched before I got my snakes and still research all the time!! You're never to old or experienced to learn new things!
1.1 columbian rainbow boa, 1.1 pastel BP, 1.0 pastel BP het clown, 0.1 normal BP het clown, 0.1 spider BP, 0.3 normal BP, 0.1 yellow belly BP, 1.0 mojave BP, 1.0 Cinny BP, 0.1 het pied BP, 3.5 corns, 0.2 dogs, 1.2.1 leopard geckos, 1.1 bearded dragons
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