Originally Posted by infernalis
You can buy everything in that kit for $10 with a little shopping.
i was just about to suggest pricing things individually as it would work out cheaper over here that way.
i stopped using aspen substrate as i found it too dusty as have other carpet enthusiasts i have spoken to.
in some cases it caused mild respiritory problems,we put down to the amount of dust the aspen contained
re cleaing hands
over here we use a gell hand sanitiser,you squirt it on rub it in and your hands are pretty sterile
re thermostat
a thermostats is a MUST as its the piece of equiptment that controls the amount of heat your snake requires
imo more importantly it will stop you overheaing and cooking your snake
so a thermostat,thermometer,2 hides,some fake plants,a water bowl,a heat mat and some branches if its a semi arboreal or arboreal species you plan on keeping.
re hides
you could always MAKE hides and save some cash
i use plastic washing up basins,plant pots,washed out plastic butter tubs for hatchlings,etc
just remember to smooth off the edges of any holes you cut in homemade hides and they do a great job
re substrate
i and a lot of other people use old daily newspapers,makes for easy cleaning and no dust or chance of picking up mites.
re fake plants
they will give your snake a bit of security by providing cover where it will feel safe
a secure stress free snake will eat a lot better than a stressed snake
i wish you well when you get your new snakes,remember to post pictures once its settled in and eating regularily
i've found its best to always give your snake a week to settle in before offering food
i also would reccomend you do not handle the snake unless neccesary until its eating regular
i'm sure your going to love snake keeping,its a rewarding hobby
cheers shaun