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Old 04-08-11, 07:25 PM   #1
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My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

So I decided to go look at a male Ball today, his story was unclear....I was lied to, he was neglected bad....I about died when I seen him and his tank!!! We met at a park n ride at 5 tonight... I offered the wench $20 for the tank and snake because I felt sorry for him. He's NOT sick, healthy looking believe it or not, tank a filthy mess, sheds all over, and he's very, very thin.....She said he won't eat, well dah if you don't have proper heat and lights he won't eat.... I loaded him up and away we went, got him home stopped at two pet stores bought supplies, he was an angel and let me clean his tank, it stunk and was filthy, now he's in his rock hide going what the hell happened? LOL I have water and a clean house!!! I'm thinking he's hungry but want to get his temps and his days and nights right before I buy a small rat, don't wanna over do it, what are your guys thoughts on this, do I have it figured out? Or is there something else I need to do different? I did touch him, he didn't strike but hissed once, like I said he was an angel and let me clean that nasty mess, he's beautiful, I really hope I gain his trust and by the way I named him "Lucky", cause he's lucky I brought him home!!! LOL
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Old 04-08-11, 07:27 PM   #2
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

sounds like he's found a nice new home! good luck & keep us updated!
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Old 04-08-11, 07:47 PM   #3
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

Are you sure he hissed? I'm only asking because sometimes when a snake gets a RI it can get mistaken for hissing. Their breathing sounds raspy sometimes, and there is sometimes discharge around their mouth.
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Old 04-08-11, 08:02 PM   #4
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

I would find a vet to get him checked out ASAP. There could be something majorly wrong...though from what you said it might not be anything other than poor care. Still I know when I adopt any animal from another home I get them checked out at a vet ASAP just so I can make sure everything is okay.
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Old 04-08-11, 09:58 PM   #5
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

keep him in a tub w/paper towels go to drug store by nix and a 4l bottle of water mix and spray the entire tank and him most cl snakes are in rough shape but kudos for the rescue
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Old 04-08-11, 10:04 PM   #6
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

No he hissed when I put my hand towards him, but he stopped when I touched him, he's flicking his tougne, he's acting normal, he has no mites, no wheeze, no discharge, just underfed.....I think if I get his temps right since they didn't he will eat for me.... I'll try to post pics tomorrow, he's a beautiful boy!!!! Can't wait to get to spend more time w/ Lucky!!! Glad I brought him home, couldn't sent him back w/ those people, OMG.....
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Old 04-08-11, 10:16 PM   #7
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

either way let him settle in his home for a few days to a week to let him relax then try to feed him. also if he's skinny and hasn't eatin for a while it's good to start with a slightly smaller then normal prey, like a small rat or something so they can work their way back up to large prey without shocking their system.
hopefully he has nothing wrong and fattens up soon.
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Old 04-08-11, 10:26 PM   #8
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

Good on you man, its always sad when people abuse these animals till theres something very wrong then try to get rid of them. Glad you made the effort to save it.
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Old 04-08-11, 11:14 PM   #9
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

I honestly admire you for actually paying for this Lucky fellow! I'd have offered to take him off her hands for free just so she was rid of it. Honestly, you've done a great thing! I offer you the best of luck. I go with letting him settle for a week and trying to feed him then. The hissing may simply be due to stress. If you notice any wheezing or discharge, take him to a vet ASAP. Otherwise, feed him in a week and handle him gently after that. Good luck and post pics when you can.
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Old 04-08-11, 11:20 PM   #10
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

Congrats on the save, thumbs up!
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Old 04-09-11, 06:18 AM   #11
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

He's doing good so far, the humidity is only at 40, I read it should be at 50? I used newspaper for the bottom of his tank, any suggestions? I know with my old BF's snake we used reptibark to try to get the humidity up and the snake wouldn't come out of her hide, she HATED it, when we removed it she come out and was all over her tank, lol. So it won't hurt him to wait almost a week to feed him then? I was thinking a small rat to, nothing big it's hard to say how long he's been without food. Now don't laugh at me guys but what if he don't eat? What do I do w/ the rat? I don't have any other tanks, lol. I'm new to this so bear w/ me, lol
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Old 04-09-11, 06:21 AM   #12
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

Try a frozen thawed rat, you never know he may take it out of hunger and then you dont have the worry of trying to switch him at a later date, you want the humidity up to at least 55 if not 65.
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Old 04-09-11, 06:49 AM   #13
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

How do I get the humidity up?
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Old 04-09-11, 06:50 AM   #14
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

Mist the tank, we use repti bark and that holds the moisture well.
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Old 04-09-11, 09:14 AM   #15
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Re: My new boy is home, BUT I'M LIVID!!!!!

Not sure if you're doing anyhting right becasue you haven't described your new set-up and you haven't mentioned temps, type of heat source, type and size of hide, etc.
I know it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to "save" a neglected ball python, but remember that a snake that was kept poorly usually has some issues that a new keeper will find quite intimidating.
As a keeper, hobbyist and breeder of many, many ball pythons for many years, I still refuse to take in "unwanted" ball pythons.
Good luck.
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