Not really man. Forums are great, but they become a 1000x more useful after you already have a grasp of the knowledge available. Renne is completely right. Not everyone just wants to regurge care sheet info when you could simply look that info up yourself. Now, once you have a grasp of that info that's readily available, then you can ask other questions. Insightful questions. Then a dialogue can be started and then we really progress.
But asking for people to regurge stuff that's out there (ad nauseum) doesn't always work.
But, I'm a sucker so here goes:
Bci adults will need at least a 4x2x2 cage with a hot spot of 90F and a cool end of 75-78F. Big enough water dish for soaking, feed them once a week, keep them on newspaper........yeah, there's a ton more, but really, my head hurts when trying to answer a question like "how do you keep a boa"? Its really too hard to answer. If you asked, "what's the preferred temp of a Bci?", or "I know the preferred temp. of a Bci, but how do I accomplish this in a cage like this" etc etc. Those are much easier and funner questions to answer. If you truly want to benefit from the experience of someone who's done something before, then read all the info that they read, and then you'll be on the same level as them regarding everything, except experience.