Hi, nice beauty snake. Who produced it? Hopefully it isn't wildcaught! Looks like it's just young yet. How is it's temperment? I would strongly recomend lots of handling because it has been my experience that they get mean fast if you don't. I currently have 1.2 that can't be handled. Well thay can if you don't mind getting bit lots. The one female was produced this year by my friend Steven Chandler & she was brought back to me by the people I sold her to because she turned into a little demon in the 2 months they had her (I'll have to work on her). My adult male is definitely "Hellspawn" & his date can be extremely flighty (as they all can be) or just down right mean. They're not much fun when they are 8 feet long & striking at your face. I would spend lots of time with it in hope that it doesn't turn into a "killer" LOL! It you haven't seen it yet, check out the pic of my male I posted, you'll see what I mean. I had another adult male orginally too that died from shock due to treatment for a mouth infection. The reason why his mouth was infected was because of his repeated striking of the glass. The people at the pet store thought it was cool to intimidate him (losers!). I took them a bunch of corns & took home the 2.2 adult VBB A.S.A.P. after I saw how they were being housed & treated. Unfortunately it was too late for the one male. It wasn't to hard to swing a deal because while I was there the other male bit the employee right in the face & split her eyelid open! These snakes were all wildcaught specimens (shame) that were imported from the States (by fools) to be sold as pets to kids. They really have it "going on" at the petstores! Anyhow good luck with your snake & remember to spend lots of time with it. Mark IsBell - GONE SNAKEE!
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
All stock parasite free and established on F/T prey. No PMs please email at gonesnakee@shaw.ca