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Old 06-14-09, 12:27 PM   #1
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Is going outside wrong?

Hi guys!

Well my carpet python is settling in really well. No problems feeding whatsoever and seems really calm - never bites really although sometimes is a bit jerky so I still keep the gloves on just to initially pick him up! But all in all he's behaving like a kingsnake!!

Okay this is the thing. I am based in the UK. We have recently had some really roasting weather and so I have taken him outside for half an hour or so on some occassions when the weather was exceptionally hot. He seems to like this as the smells and environment are quite stimulating for a captive snake I can imagine. He seems very relaxed - had him outside for half an hour today then he ate an hour later no problem. The only thing is is that I never heard of anyone else taking their snake outside so I started to wonder - is there any negatives about this? I obviously don't let him go cos I don't want to lose him down a mouse hole! He's happy to stay round my neck or on my hand though. I'd love to hear everyone else's opinion.


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Old 06-14-09, 12:37 PM   #2
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Re: Is going outside wrong?

In your own back yard as long as the neighbours are OK with it no big deal. Keep it controlled at all times of course as they can move WAY faster than you could ever really imagine if loose. Also on the around the neck thing its a BAD practice. If one never puts them around ones neck one will never have their neck constricted
Remember their are things such as birds & small rodents etc. outside that can potentially "set off" the snake & you do not want it around your neck if its ever to happen. Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
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Old 06-14-09, 06:45 PM   #3
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Re: Is going outside wrong?

bringing your snake outside in private is cool but in public can be problematic for not only you and your snake but for all keepers and their snakes.

its best to enjoy them on your own and with family and friends who understand.
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Old 06-15-09, 07:46 AM   #4
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Re: Is going outside wrong?

I take my 8-foot carpet outside too. My neighbors all love him, and are cool with him. My fiance yelled at me because he said the snake would get parasites from being allowed outside in the grass for a half hour or so. I have seen tons of pictures on breeder sites of the snakes in grass or on tree branches outside. Is it OK for me to set him in the grass as long as I keep an eye on him and a hand at all times so he won't get away?
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Old 06-17-09, 12:42 PM   #5
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Re: Is going outside wrong?

Well that's all reassuring news! Yes we just have him in the back garden and we're not overlooked so there's no one around to freak out! It's just nice for him to see the sunshine I think and to have a bit of a look round outside. I never let him go as the garden is very cluttered and he's be lost in an instant but my old kingsnake I used to let go in my old garden and he could really get up some speed as you said. Being a bit older and wiser now I wouldn't do that again just in case but at least Snakey was always fine! They love it outside though - I'm sure!

I have always put my snakes round my neck though and been totally fine. It's an interesting point you make about them getting set off and suddenly constricting you. I don't think I could give up such an easy way to carry them around though lol! Well he's not big enough to kill me so I'll take my chances with a little neck squeeze although I have seen a guy put a (burmese?) python round his neck on TV and end up looking very uncomfortable as it very lightly clung on ie nearly choked him to death! You gotta keep your eye on 'em!

Parasites is the one thing I was worried about really. Logically we only have 2 native snake species in the UK so there will not be many snake specialist parasites hanging about but I worry about general ticks and things. Still if I'm not putting him down then I guess he can't catch 'em!

Cheers for the help,

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Old 06-17-09, 01:00 PM   #6
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Re: Is going outside wrong?

Just make sure to give it the quick once over prior going back inside. Not sure if you have ticks there ot not? Not likely to get one but a quick check will confirm it, Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
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Old 06-17-09, 01:27 PM   #7
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Re: Is going outside wrong?

In Coatesville we do have ticks, mostly dog ticks though. I have never seen the lyme disease-carrying ones in my area, although they are common in West Chester, about 20 minutes away. I do check him over carefully, as best I can with an 8-foot active snake. Thank you Mark- that's reassuring news to me as well!
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Old 06-20-09, 06:14 AM   #8
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Re: Is going outside wrong?

Yeah thanks for all the info. I always check him for ticks - super paranoid you se ^_^

With regards to parasites in particular anyone in the UK should be okay I think cos we only have 2 species of snake here and they are not very common. Parasites tend to be very specific to the organism they...parasitise so lucky us for having such darn cold weather! :-)
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