Re: jungle carpet python wont eat
I have read that aspen is a bad bedding choice for carpets because it gets stuck in their labial heat pits and vents. I would switch him out to repti-bark or a tank liner. Also, you might want to raise your temps a bit. During the day, get your basking area into the 90s and the cool side in the low 80s. At night don't let it drop below 76 (all are in Fahrenheit). It is possible it is too cool for him. Also, the live pinky most likely was not active enough to trigger a strike. I feed my baby coastals (all about 1.5 feet long and about as thick as my pinky finger) live hoppers. The pinks do not emanate much body heat, another reason why they may not register as food source. Try giving him a live fuzzy or hopper. How large is he? If he is at least 1.5 feet long he can handle a hopper. A 3-foot carpet can handle an adult mouse. My yearling carpet eats a rat weanling (about adult mouse size) every week, sometimes two. Give him a prey item about as thick around as he is, not larger than that, but not tiny. If the prey is too small, the snake might not even bother.
Those are just some thoughts IMO. Good luck, he will eat when he is ready if you are doing everything right. They can go a long time without food, so don't panic yet.