Hey everyone,
I've been surfing around the site for 2 months or so... so it's more than time for me to start posting!
I wanted to ask everyones opinion on dwarf boas... Caulker Cay, Nics, Hoggs... etc.
I want a dwarf badly (something that stays around or under the 5ft mark)... but I'm beginning to think that most dwarf boas are a little more "nippy" than a regular Colombian boa.... BCI. I am hoping to track a dwarf boa down that is more docile than aggressive...
My question is this... out of all the dwarf boas, which is the most docile in captivity? I realize every snake has it's own personality, but is there one particular type of dwarf boa species that is more inclined to being a tamer animal?
Any help, advice, experiences would be awesome! I'm partial to darker colours, Anery and Motley boas are killer (so if there was a dwarf boa that typically is darker that would be great!)
Starting to ramble!
Thanks in advance everyone!