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Old 08-22-07, 10:24 AM   #1
Tim_Cranwill's Avatar
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Arrow Sept 29th MRBE: Info / Vendor List

The Sept MRBE is just 5 short weeks away!

Saturday, September 29th
10am - 5pm
VIP access at 9am
Dakota Community Centre
1188 Dakota Street

Adult Admission: $5
Kids 12 and under: FREE

Tables: $50 each

Here is the promotional poster:
We will update the vendor list on the poster once a few more sign on. But this is the list we had at the time of printing.

I will be making another promo video but as with the poster, it can only include the vendors confirmed at the time I am making it. So sign up SOON if you want to be included!

Here is the list of confirmed vendors as of right now. There are plenty more to be confirmed in the coming days and weeks.

Winnipeg Reptiles
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
M & B Reptiles
The Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
Pets 101
Hanney's Corns
Aardvark Pets
Westman Reptile Gardens
Exclusive Dragons
The Reptile Connection

If your name should be on this list, please contact Marc Delorme.

As always, visit Manitoba Reptile Breeder's Expo for more information.
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 08-25-07, 09:13 AM   #2
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Re: Sept 29th MRBE: Info / Vendor List

Here's the updated vendor list:

Winnipeg Reptiles
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
M & B Reptiles
The Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
Pets 101
Hanney's Corns
Aardvark Pets
Westman Reptile Gardens
Exclusive Dragons
The Reptile Connection
Kings Dragons

We can't edit threads anymore???
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 09-13-07, 08:24 AM   #3
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Re: Sept 29th MRBE: Info / Vendor List

Hello, everyone. Here is an updated confirmed vendor list for the September 29th MRBE:

Winnipeg Reptiles
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
M & B Reptiles
The Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
Pets 101
Hanney's Corns
Aardvark Pets
Westman Reptile Gardens
Exclusive Dragons
The Reptile Connection
Kings Dragons
Pet Traders
Red Island Reptiles

As of now we are pretty much sold out. We can open up some more space if needed but we want to let all of the prospective vendors considering attending our show to act sooner than later.

Table inquiries can be sent to :-)
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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Old 09-18-07, 12:00 PM   #4
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Re: Sept 29th MRBE: Info / Vendor List

Alright, with the recent addition of Capital Dragons the September MRBE is now officially SOLD OUT!

Winnipeg Reptiles
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
M & B Reptiles
The Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
Pets 101
Hanney's Corns
Aardvark Pets
Westman Reptile Gardens
Exclusive Dragons
The Reptile Connection
Kings Dragons
Pet Traders
Red Island Reptiles
Capital Dragons

With just under two weeks to go until the Expo, the excitement is building. We will be making another appearance on Breakfast Television (2 segments this time) on the 25th and will hopefully have some more media coverage as well (it's in the works).

So put in a few extra overtime shifts and start searching the couches for pennies! This Expo is gonna rock!
Cranwill's Captive Bred Snakes
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