That is exactly what I want to do with a couple of my tanks, but how do you get your snake out if it chooses to hide??
"Before you insult someone, first walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you'll be a mile away and you'll have there shoes!"
1.0 Regular Ball "Joey" (living with my friend now!)
1.0 Het Burgundy Ball "Cobalt"
0.1 Het Burgundy Ball "Lady"
(unproven line)
0.1 Amel Cornsnake "Candy"
0.1 Ridge-Tailed Monitor "Pebbles"
1.0 Adult Veiled Chameleon "Rick James (B*tch!)"
1.0 Lepard Gecko "Captain Geeko"
1.1 Crocodile Skinks "Mickey and Mallory Knox"