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Old 04-12-06, 06:38 PM   #1
PortCreditPets's Avatar
Join Date: Apr-2002
Location: Mississauga
Posts: 219
Ontario Reptile and Insect Expo Sunday April 23rd

Friendly Reminder

Just over one week away I want to ensure that everyone gets there schedule situated so they don’t miss out in Ontario’s greatest reptile event. The Ontario Reptile and Insect Expo on Sunday April 23rd is now almost SOLD OUT! Well over 150 tables full of reptiles and for the first time insects.

The world of pinning and collectible insects is enormous. Some of the worlds most unique and beautiful creatures are insects. These will be displayed by the many vendors flying into town. Live tarantulas and scorpions are still prohibited to be sold at the Expo however many vendors will have live specimens on display along with their pricelists for future acquisitions 

Door prizes donated include a complete $750 EXO TERRA glass and stand setup! Door prize entry forms can be obtained and submitted on the upper level of the hall.

Doors open at 9 am at the St Jons Hall located at 2185 Stavebank Road in Mississauga. For more information please check out the website at

Here is an updated vendor list. If you have booked a space and are not on this list please get in touch with me ASAP….

Adam and Robyn Reptiles
Adam Rivers
Arboreal Exotics
Brenda and Mikes Terrarium Props
Canadian Entomological Supplies
Canadian Feeders
Canadian Reptile Breeders Coalition
Capital City Geckos
Capital Dragons
Clint Hill
Constrictor Designs
Corey Woods
Custom Crabs
David Sheridan
Entomological Society of Ontario
Fapco Reptile Products
Francis Papillon
Gecko Brothel
Geekos Exotics
Gillards Reptiles
Gregg Andrews
Herp Hotel
High Quality Reptiles
Hiss and Herss Pythons
Jay Sons Snakes and Driftwood
JD Terrariums
Jeff Carson
Jim Lovisek - Fossils and insect art
Julie Tougas
Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre
Ketih Fern
Kick Butt Driftwood
Large Exotics
Mark Pepper Understory Enterprises
Marty McManus
Matt Kameka
Ministry Of Natural Resources
Nathan Greenlay
Near North Rodents
Next Years Reptiles
Niagara Reptiles
Northern Gecko
Ontario Turtle and Tortoise Society
Penetang Pets
Phil Ramos
Playful Thinks
Port Credit Pet Centre (Reptile Central)
Quality Captives
Randalls Reptiles
Reptile Amazon
Reptile Rainforest
Reptile Rascals
Rhonda Causton
Rob Chambers
Rob the Anole Guy
Rocks and Hot Places
Rovili Pet World
Scary Guys
Scotty Allen
Sea the Jungle
Sticky Toed Geckos
Thorne Insect Shoppe
Tom Eles
Toronto Entomological Association
Totally Buggy Ltd.
Tropical Jungle Imports
Tropical Reptiles and Reefs
Walking Rock Mugs - Turtle Haven
Web Wheeler
Wings of Paradise Butterfly Conservatory
Winston Chi
Woodland Edge Herps
If everyone could just get along this world would be better for all living things.
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