Which species are you getting? Look that species up on the internet. Also, I think this should of been posted in the lizard area of this site...
Reptiles magazine's august 2005 issue has an article about Dwarf monitors, it said:
Branches, logs, and rocks. A basking spot of 130*F to 150*F. The article says to use standard flood lights from a hardware store because halogen spotlights will cause a very small area of intense heat, which is dangerous. The rest of the cage should be around 80*F. For food: super worms and s.w. beetles, crickets, wax worms, and mealworms.
PS- are you sure its gonna be four feet tall? It seems to me that dwarf monitors would need a cage thats four feet long, 3 feet high, 2 feet wide...
Leopard Geckos
African Fat Tailed Geckos
Last edited by -okapi-; 02-12-06 at 12:44 PM..