my opinion
what size brb are you getting? unless it's an adult i'd stay away from aquariums altogether and even then you have to modify the aquarium a bit (put saran wrap over the top to hold humidity), and make sure to put a couple inches of coconut fibre on the tank floor, they love to stay buried. i realize you want it for display (who wouldn't, it's a brb) but the proper care of the animal is much more important. that's why i suggest a rubbermaid if it's not an adult. if it is, then at least put a rubbermaid big enough for it to fit into comfortably, filled with moss and coconut fibre, and make sure to keep it moist and warm. humidity is the key to brb's 80% is what you're shooting for and you just can't do that with a screen top. anyway, thats just my opinion...
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.