Sorry ESCM, I made an error in my post above - I just measured the Sterlite that we use for transport, and it is only 12 X7 X6 so though it looks like the one you show above, it is quite a bit smaller.
The one you have shown is almost identical size to the rubbermaids we use for baby corns 12 X 16 X 6, so it should work fine for heat gradient. Sorry I wasn't paying closer attention to the measurements. I agree, I prefer Sterlite - closes more securly and cheaper here - just pretty limited in the sizes that are available - I have never seen the size you have, but would love to have been able to get them.
We have moved our corns into the larger size rubbermaid 16 X23 X 6 at about 7-8 months of age - again no sterlite tubs in that size available here.
Sorry for my confusion and hope you enjoy the cornsnake,
Mary v.
Mary VanderKop